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Four hours after the meeting with Wesley, Peter's head was still buzzing with the memories of their interaction and the embarrassment that came with it.

Why did he have to get so close?!

Like clothes in a washing machine, these words had been tumbling through Peters head ever since he had pushed the man. Peter struggled with intimacy, so when Wesley trapped him he panicked and pushed him. He hadn't meant to, and he realized only after Wesley had left that he was paying him to do exactly that, which made him want to track him down and apologize again. He secretly promised himself he'd apologize next time he saw him; which was in approximately 40 minutes. Before Wesley had left they arranged a time to meet up to sort out their relationship.

The clock on Peter's desk read 5:10, 5:30 was their arranged meeting time. Peter moved to the private bathroom connected to his office in hopes of cleaning himself up before meeting with Wesley.

Now in front of the mirror, Peter took in his appearance, much to his disappointment, the gel that tamed his curls had long since washed out and his suit was crinkled from the long day at the office, Peter had little knowledge on what to wear on a 'casual' date, but he knew what he was wearing was definitely not appropriate. Peter sighed defeated, he quickly ran some water over his face and hair in hopes to wake him up and tame some of the frizz. Attempting a more casual look Peter takes off both his tie and suit jacket, leaving him in suit pants and a white button down. Grabbing his bag and keys Peter's leaves after telling Gina she could go home.


Peter had planned on arriving a couple minutes earlier than what was agreed to get settled in before Wesley arrived, but as he walked through the cafe doors Wesley was already sitting in one of the booths looking devilishly handsome with his wavy hair tied back in a loose bun and casual clothes.

Now feeling a insecure about his outfit, Peter took a deep breath and tried to move his legs in a graceful manner over to the table.

Wesley looked up to see his lunch date stiffly walking across the restaurant to his table, watching as he slid into the booth opposite him.

"Sir," Wesley greets.

"Please, call me Peter." Peter offers a small smile to cover up the jittery mess he felt like.

"Okay, Peter, should we order first or get straight to business?" 

Too nervous to eat in front of his far more attractive counterpart and not one well versed in small talk Peter answered by simply saying 'business'.

Wesley nods, leans forward and clasps his hands in front of him, "We'll order later, but in the meantime, I'm guessing you don't know much about being a sugardaddy."

"I only know what I researched online," Peter looks up to find Wesley listening intently, "umm I'm supposed to give you money and you're supposed to...do things for me?"

"You support me financially and I give you attention." Wesley replies to the blushing man with a smile.

"What kind of attention?" Peter fumbles with the edge of his placemat, secretly excited for the answer.

"Well, it's different for everyone, but I typically live with my sugardaddy," Wesley stops noticing Peters furrowed brows, " I don't have to move in today, we can take it in steps."

Peter nods feeling a little more comfortable, "Just because I'm the sugar..daddy that doesn't mean I have to take care of you, does it?"

"Only financially, In my case I like being the one in control, in life and in the bedroom. Much like a dominant and submissive relationship" Wesley says adding wink at the end.

"A what?"

Wesley raises his eyebrows in surprise making Peter feel even more insecure about his little to none knowledge of sex.

"Like bdsm and stuff," Wesley explains further, struggling to keep the  'duh' tone out of his voice.

Peter looked even more confused. "You must have heard of it from reading or watching porn." Wesley says incredulously.

"Oh I don't watch that kind of stuff," Peters mumbles, obviously embarrassed about the topic.

"You mean you don't masturbate?" Peter looks around wildly looking for anyone who might have overheard their conversation and shakes his head 'no' after seeing everyone minding their own business and not paying attention to the two men's conversations.

Wesley sits back eyes wide, what's a world without wanking?

"So you don't have any experience?"

Peter twists his hands together growing instantly more uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry we can talk about this later," Wesley says softening up after noticing Peters discomfort.

"Or not at all..." Peter says under his breath.

"If you want to get your moneys worth we'll definitely be taking about this later." Wesley says definitively staring Peter in the eye.

Softening his gaze, Wesley perks up and says, "We should get something to eat now, I'm hungry."

Wesley glanced down at the man beside him, he was lost in thought and silently chewing on his nail. They had decided to go for a walk after their meal and now the two were strolling through a small park together.

"You probably shouldn't do that." Wesley nods to Peters fingers that were still in his mouth.

"Gross, sorry." Peter takes his now bloody fingers out of his mouth and shoved into his pockets with a little scowl on his face.

Wesley playfully bumps the brunettes shoulder with his own, "not gross, just a nervous habit. You're not supposed to feel nervous around me."

They walk a little further before Wesley decides to reach into Peters pocket and hold his hand.

Peter abruptly stops when he feels the rugged hand claps around his own.

"What are you doing?" He whisper-yells.

"Holding your hand," Wesley says sweetly.

Looking down at the man that bought him to do this, he sees how panicked and flushed he is; like a little kid getting their hand held for the first time. "Is this your first time holding hands with someone?"

"No- yes, well the first time like this." Peter wanted to smash his head off the oak tree beside him; what happened the cool millionaire businessman you were a couple days ago? This man had turned you into a blubbering idiot and it hasn't even been a week of knowing him!

Wesley looks at Peter. "You're going to have to become more comfortable with me you know." He says offhandedly.

"It's not just you that I'm uncomfortable with," Peter chews the inside of his mouth while looking at a stump that's on his side farthest from Wesley.

Wesley moves in front of Peter so he has no choice but to look back at him.

"Is that something you'd like to change?" Wesley says looking into the mans dark brown eyes.

"Yes," Peter quips back with the tips of his ears burning.

Wesley nods decisively, smiling to himself, "now let's get in with our walk."

They continue down the path hand in hand, Wesley with long powerful strides and Peter scuttling behind him trying to hide himself behind the mans broad shoulders.

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