5.5 [M]

427 17 11

I added in the first part of chapter five just incase you forgot.

"I need you to come now," Peters voice came out shaky and uneven. The desperate tone in his voice left a smirk on Wesley's face.

"I'm on my way," it was hard to keep the amusement out of his voice but Wesley thought Peter was too occupied to notice anyway.

Peter hit the wall of the bathroom, " I can't work with, with this thing in me, hurry!" Peter was whining now but he really couldn't care anymore, it was driving him crazy. He crumpled to the floor with his hands between his thighs, too shy to rub himself but too in need not to at least have pressure.

The two men had been dating for a while and earlier this morning Wesley had finally convinced Peter to try something new. Peter, now regretting his decision sat crying on the bathroom floor while a wild vibration coursed though his body, the devilish vibrations originating at his butthole.

Wesley stepped into Peter's office, walking over to his private bathroom. When he opened the door Peter stood red in the face and practically sobbing, leaning against the wall for support while his hands covered his crotch.

"What's wrong?" Wesley took the sides of his tear stained face and looked into Peter's pained eyes.

"It hurts," Peter said wiggling in his grip like he couldn't stay still.

Peter had been on the edge of an orgasm for hours now, and being to shy to touch himself, he had just left it until it became to much to ignore.

"Where?" Wesley looks to Peter's hands which where covering his crotch.
Taking his hands away he saw the noticeable bulge in his pants.

"Ohh..it's okay," Wesley said soothingly as if he were talking to a baby, but smiling on the inside at the situation.

"I'll take care of this" Wesley starts to unbuckle Peter's pants but is stopped by Peter's flying hands stopping his, "No! You can't that's gross!"

Peter had only been okay with the morning experience only because he was barely awake and not so..wet.

Pulling him into a hug Wesley shushes Peter, while putting one of his thick thighs in between Peter's trembling ones. Peter jerks at the pressure on his crotch, uncontrollable shivers running up his spine making his mouth fall open in a moan.

"How was your morning, do any work?" Wesley couldn't help but tease, but also wanted to relax Peter.

Peter responded by thrusting his hips back and forth on Wesley's thigh, lost in the feeling, forgetting about the embarrassment that was sure to come later.

"Here, let me help," Wesley pulls his leg out from between Peter's and turns him around so his chest is against the wall.

Reaching around Peter's waist Wesley unbuckles Peter's pants and begins to slide them down his legs. Wesley then slides his hands in between the waistband of Peter's underwear. Wesley's fingers dig into the flesh of Peter's hips pulling them back so they are pressed into his.

Peter, unbeknownst to himself beings to rock his hips along Wesley's hardening member. Wesley growls into Peter's ear, tightening his grip on Peter, but not enough to stop his movements.

"Do it like you did before," Peter's breathes out, while his hands wrap around Wesley's and pulls them forward.

Wesley's hands move to rest on Peter's pelvis, so close to his erection he could feel Peter's pulse and the wetness left behind from the precum.

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