The Purple Flowers

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*Kyle's POV*

   I got up and looked around, I saw a beautiful creature, pure white. But it was running away. She pushed me... my mate pushed me... it was so powerful that now my vision is blurry... I thought for a moment and then—
"Luka!!!" I cried after her. I was weak, as her anger and sadness had been the force that held me down.
"LUKA! Wait! Please!" I slowed down my pace and then collapsed. I had let her down, I had let her family down. I had let our future down.
"Come on, get up." One of the cops had pulled me up and brushed the dirt off my shirt. But... his eyes. They startled me. They were bright green, glowing like a strange fire.
"Witch..." I said backing away.
"Don't be afraid it's not like I'm going to curse you."
"You're a cop?!" I stuttered.
"Are you judging me?"
"Yes I am a cop, as I am not a human-world cop. We were chasing down a vampire that robbed a bank not far from here."
"What the heck?! You don't see vampires that often!" I sounded shocked. Vampires are rare to find, they are normally found as royalty.
Then I suddenly snapped back to my right mind, Luka had run off to who knows where. She could be in danger right now! Who knows if she had run into another witch or another werewolf! I sat down, weak and drained. I needed her with me, without her I felt empty and cold.
"I need to go find her." I said, "her brother is dead because of that guy and who knows if she runs into him again." I stood up unsteadily.
"No no no." The cop said, "sit." And I did so, like a dog embarrassingly.
"What is your name?"
"Huh? Oh, it's Owen." He said.
"Ok then, nice to meet you Owen..." I sighed. I wanted so bad just to go run after Luka.

*Luka's POV*

   I realized how far I had run, heck, I realized that I ran away. I looked around, there was nothing but endless trees. I wanted to pour out everything. I had to go back, but I didn't know what direction I had come from.
"Kyle?" I squeaked. I turned around, only to face the brightest green eyes I've ever seen.
"AH!" I stumbled backwards, " Who the he—"
"Shut up." The girl said, her eyes glowing. 'Witch' I thought. 'Witch'...
"Are-are you a..." I tried to ask.
"I am indeed a witch, now shut up before someone sees a ginormous talking animal."
"What?" I asked surprised.
"You're an animal..... duh?" She said obviously. I hadn't realized, I got so carried away. Then I remembered why I had ran away. Suddenly I burst into tears.
"Oh, it's ok! It's not that bad!" She lifted my head.
"No, [sniffle] it's not that..." I choked, "my brother was shot back there.... I got carried away..." I cried. Then, I was back to my normal self, sitting on my knees.
"Oh my...." she hugged me, trying to comfort me. I sat there and cried for a while, until it was all out of my system.

*Kyle's POV*

"I need to go after her... I feel fine now." I said to Owen.
"I guess I should let you go then..." he stood up, "go... go find her."
"Thanks Owen." I said, his green eyes flashed. Then, I turned and ran into the woods. I shifted and I was soon on all fours. I hadn't shifted since the night Garret attacked Luka.
I kept running for half an hour and then I came across some flowers here and there. Wolfsbane. Her scent had been replaced by the thick smell of death. I had to go back. If I had stayed any longer in those poisonous fumes, I would pass out.

*Luka's POV*

"If you don't mind, I must go back home now." The witch girl said. She opened a portal, it was fascinating, I had never met a witch up until now and I have certainly never seen their magic.
"Wait... What is your name?" I asked.
"Goodbye, Nola." And I said that I saw a man reach out from the portal. His eyes were green and red.
"Look out!" I yelled, but it was too late, he had grabbed her and pulled her into the portal. He shot green flames at me from his hands, I ducked. He shot a look at me with those eyes again, my mind kept telling me... 'hybrid, run away'. I looked at him once more and I turned to run. Hybrid... who is he? What is he? I was scared of that man. That witch. That... vampire. It came to me like a brain freeze almost... that man is a hybrid, a witch and a vampire.
I kept running, I didn't want to look back—
I fell, and when I landed it was surprisingly soft. I had fallen in a large patch of purple flowers... they were everywhere. There was a wall of trees surrounding them in one area. It was small for this many flowers, but the area was vast. I looked up from where I had fallen and realized it was a cliff, it looked as if I had fallen a 40 foot drop. I heard movement, it was farther away though. I sat up in the soft purple cloud and looked around, I didn't see anyone. It must've been farther than I thought.
"H-he-" I tried to say, but I couldn't speak. The thick poisonous smell of flowers was filling my lungs. I needed help, I needed Kyle.
"H-help..." I tried harder, "he-HELP."
"Luka?" I heard a faint voice say.
"Help! [cough]"
"Luka!" I heard it again, I looked up from where I had fallen. There was a beautiful creature staring down upon me.
Kyle jumped down to the valley below. He looked around seemingly trying to find a way to get to me with out touching the flowers' petals. I could tell the fumes were getting to him. He stumbled.
"Kyle... h-help." I was slowly drifting away.
"Luka, don't..." he said. He walked through the flowers. Every step heavier. Once he reached me, he fell over. The wolf, the beast from heaven, his gray eyes filled with worry... and love. He changed back and hugged me close. We laid in the flowers, both of us thinking if this was the end... or perhaps... only the beginning.

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