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*Kieth's POV*

I stood there in utter shock. The snap hadn't come from my neck as I had thought it so, it was Kyle's. My world is a mess, I'm dreaming a very bad dream, nothing ever happened since the night Anthony died.
I was suddenly dropped to the ground, covering my ears. I could feel them bleeding, I'm sure if I hadn't gone deaf already I would within the next couple seconds. I squinted over at everyone else. 'Anthony' was bursting, he was clutching his ears. Kyle was laying still on the ground, the blue specks in his dark grey eyes were gone. Luka was curled up, her forehead to the ground. She was chafing her hands on the asphalt, her fox ears were tucked back, her tails seemingly covering her like a blanket. Then, her scream muted. Had I gone deaf? No, it was like a ripple in space time. Anything within eight feet distance of us was floating. It's like we were in a force field, but gravity was not effecting anything outside that bubble. They were floating in slow motion, the sun was still shining out there, but everything inside our proximity was cold, wet, and dark. It was like the eye of a storm squeezed into one tiny place. Still covering my ears, I looked over to Luka again, she was once again in full form. Her head was tilt back, her eyes closed. Her paws went from that beautiful shimmering white to a jet black, growing like a disease. From her paws, it grew up her legs, around her torso. All that was left of herself was the shoulders up. I saw tears running down her face. She opened her eyes to see the last of what she would know. The blackness consumed her face, her nearly white, blue, silvery eyes were the last of her. It slowly took that from her too. Her eyes were now a dark, venomous red.
The storm seemed to go in reverse, the dark clouds and sharp rain fading. Everything outside dropped to the ground as gravity gained its power again. We stayed in place, we were still playing the movie, it wasn't paused or reversed like everything around us. We still lived the present as everything shifted back to the way it was thirty minutes ago.
Luka lowered her head, still in her fox form, still jet black. Her red eyes pierced through the cowering Anthony as she approached him. She tore him to the very core. I couldn't watch, it was the most brutal and sickening thing I had ever seen. When my hearing restored, I could tell she was done. I uncovered my face. There was a bloody, flesh-like substance everywhere. It's like if you had put someone into a blender and dumped them everywhere.
She was laying next to Kyle, she brushed his cheek with her snout. From where she touched his face, color spread throughout his body. It was a cringing noise, but I heard his neck fix back into place.
"Luka?" I sounded like a mouse, she looked at me, her eyes were like lasers.
"A-Are you okay?" I struggled to get up and crawl over to my brother.
"Is... he okay?" I looked at her worried. She nodded.
"How did you do that?" I asked as the shock hit me. She didn't answer, she needed to turn back to her human form if she was going to speak at all.
I had to run over to the other side of the car and puke. Everything happened so fast, I had to process it.

*Luka's POV*

   I laid next to Kyle's unconscious body. The effect shouldn't take too long. I couldn't really think clearly, my mind felt infected. Had I just watched my brother die again? No. It wasn't my brother. And I didn't watch it happen. I couldn't see either, everything was blurry. Kyle twitched and it startled me, but he was still pretty much knocked out. It wasn't until I buried my face in my paws that I noticed... My fur is flipping black, why is my fur black?!
   Soon after, I fell asleep against Kyle. I was woken up by multiple people surrounding us all. My eyes were droopy, but I could still see Owen running over to us with Nola by his side. He made Kyle sit up, he wasn't awake still. He closed his eyes, I could see his eyes moving around under his eyelids, and when he opened them, he looked shocked.
"You.... you reversed time? How is that possible?" Owen looked at me.
"What happened to you?" At that point I realized he just flipped through everyone's visions of what just happened. He can't view the past, but he can view peoples visions and memories. I sat up and lowered my head, I was so drained.
"Are you able to turn back?" He asked me. I shook my head, I couldn't. There was something wrong. Then he took my paws in his hands and I could feel myself morphing back to a human.
"Luka, your eyes... they won't change back?" Kieth hobbled over to us.
"What?" I was panicked. I stood up and fell onto the car. I looked into the car mirror, oh lord...

~hour later

I walked down to Kyle's room, it felt like every other day, we would get injured or something bad would happen.
"Luka!" He immediately swung his arms around my waist.
"You're up!" I was flattered.
"Of course I am." He said confused.
"Do you.... do you remember what happened down lemongrass?"
"Yeah. I came to get you, some Anthony **** happened, and—" He stopped.
"And Kieth was being choked... and I woke up..." His face clearly read that he knew that's not only what happened.
"Do you want to know?" I asked. He nodded, "Owen, can you show him?" Owen walked over and took his hands. It was a couple minutes until finally Kyle broke the vision.
"What the heck?! Luka? What happened to you? I died? You can reverse time?!" He had to catch his breath.
"Calm down, its over now..." I said. He sat down on the bed. Still frightened of what he saw.
He went to sleep and I left to my house, I took a shower and went to bed, it wasn't long before I woke up.

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