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Harry's POV

After we got back from Diagon Alley, Ron, Hermione, and I were all sitting in Ron's room, messing with all the stuff we got. With a small smile on my face, I unwrapped a chocolate frog and popped it in my mouth. I was thinking about earlier when I finally made peace with Draco. I'm not sure if I actually like him, or want to be friends with him, but I am excited for all of the time I can spend doing whatever I want without worrying about whether or not Draco- wait, when did I start calling him Draco? Whatever. Without worrying about whether or not Draco is going to be bothering me or starting trouble. (every drarry fic ever: dra-I MEAN MALFOY)

"Dude." Ron said to me with a look that says 'really mate?' snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm okay with you dating whoever, or getting crushes on whoever, guy or girl, you know." I nod wondering where this is going. "But, guys and girls does nOT INCLUDE BLOODY FUCKING MALFOYS."

"What! No! Ew no, gross! I would never have a crush on Draco Malfoy." I respond, slightly surprised he thinks I would.

"Well Harry, I for one, think you guys would be a cute couple." Hermione joined in looking up from her book.

Ron and I protest together with different variations of, 'What!' 'No!' 'Gross!', and 'Fuck no, never!'

"Sorry! Just voicing my opinion!" Hermione apologises, throwing her hands up. "Although you would be cute together." She added quietly.

Before we could protest again though, Ginny walked in. "Who has a crush on Draco?" She asked, standing in the doorway.

"Harry does!" Hermione said over me and Ron's denies.

"Good job Harry, I'm happy for you two," Ginny said, winking at me.

"Oh gross Ginny, no!" I respond. Even thought we used to date, we're not letting it get in the way of our friendship. "Also, when did you start calling him by his first name?" I add.

"After the war," She stated. Though she continued after seeing our confised looks. "Draco and I ran into each other. We weren't very nice to each other at first, but after talking for a while, we put our differences aside and called a truce. It grew from there and now we're pretty good friends." Ginny said.

"How can you just be friends with someone who made life hell for tons of people for years?" Ron questioned, incredulous.

"Because, Ron, he's changed," Ginny started. "And, maybe if you heard the story from his point of view, your dumb brain could finally wrap it's head around the prospect of the world not rotating to suit your needs," Ginny said, fire in her eyes, because nobody insults her friend, who tried so hard to be good.

"Ginny, are you sure you don't have a crush on him?" Ron asked, raising his eyebrows at his sister.

"No, I don't," Ginny said. "And besides, even if I did he wouldn't go for me, Draco is-" Ginny never finished because she was cut off by Mrs. Weasley calling us from the kitchen.

"Kids! Dinner is ready! Better get down here before it gets cold!"

"Coming Mom!" Ginny called back.


Harry's POV

As I'm laying in bed that night, I wonder what Gin was going to say about Draco. Probably that he didn't like gingers cause he's a dick. But Ginny did say he's changed, and he seemed pretty nice when we ran into him earlier. Maybe Ron is just being dumb. Looking up at the bottom of Ron's bunk, I remember that Draco was crying even before I ran into him. (Or he ran into me, I don't really know) I shrug it off and turn on my side, facing Ron's barely visible walls. I drift off to sleep that night still thinking about how sad Draco looked.

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