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A/N: I felt like Savior by Black Veil Brides would go well with this chapter.

Also ya'll are gonna hate me after this chapter... don't worry. things will get better

Draco's POV

I saw the red flash too late, so I didn't have time to react. Before I knew it I was on the hard stone floor. Stupid stunning spell. My head may be bleeding, I don't know. The sudden attack reminds me of the war. I shiver. My mind fills with memories from that wretched day.

"Draco, how could you join You-Know-Who?"

"Draco help me!"

"Please don't hurt me!"


And the worst of all in my opinion, the one I think about almost every night: "Draco, son, I'm so proud of your dedication. Death is part of revolution." My own father truly believed in 'the cause', as he called it. The 'cause' that caused thousands, tens of thousands maybe even, of innocent muggle-borns and muggles to die. To be killed. My own father. I was part of that.

Before I know it, I'm crying on the floor in the fetal position, holding my head where it hit the ground. I'm not crying too loud, so I could hear my attackers approaching me. I try to stand up blindly through the tears, but get kicked down immediately.

Pain shoots through my side. Again. And again. I can't tell who all is kicking me. I think there are... Two people? Three? I don't know. I can feel my ribs cracking, my bones aching.

"YOU FILTHY DEATH EATER! YOU SHOULD'VE DIED WITH YOU-KNOW-WHO!" one of my attackers yelled at me while beating me. A string of similar insults came from his 'friends'. From how many voices there are, I think there are three people kicking me. I hope they kill me.

All of a sudden I hear a familiar spell being cast. "Sectumsempra!" Oh Merlin. I scream out in pain. I remember sixth year. The pain is worse then it was then. This time I was already broken physically and mentally. This pain just adds onto that. I can feel blood gushing from the wounds the spell causes. I think back to sixth year, my memory foggy from my current excruciating pain. I was mentally broken then, too. Who taught them this spell, I wonder? This isn't the same person from sixth year is it? My mind feels like its dying. I'm still being kicked, and punched. Beaten.

And then I remember. Oh god, I remember. A strangled sob escapes my throat. It was Harry. The first time this spell happened to me Harry cast the spell. My supposed "soul mate." I know for sure now. Harry is my mate. But he'll never love me. Accept me. "He was just being nice to you last night. And the days before," A nasty voice in the back of my mind says. I'm full blown sobbing now, tears streaming down my face. Oh God, I'm going to die. I dont want it to end like this. The voice in my head comes back. "But this is what you deserve, murderer."

It isn't him this time though, is it? It's not, I would know, I'm sure of it.

I must look so pathetic. An ex-death eater crying on the floor while three shitheads beat me. I lay there crying, taking what I deserve. I deserve this. They're right, everyone's right, I'm a worthless peice of death eater garbage. I mean really, why would Harry want me. I worked for the guy who ruined his life. The monster who killed his parents. He's the chosen one for Merlin's sake. Pitiful thoughts filled my pitiful mind. My mind is so loud, I just want it to stop. I want them to stop hurting me. I want them to stop yelling at me. But at the same time, I know I deserve this. This is my punishment.

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