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Draco's POV

I open my eyes. Black. That's all I see. I look around, panic closing in on me. Then I remember what happened. I close my eyes tightly and rub them. Merlin. Am I dead then? I open my eyes. Is this darkness death? Will this be the rest of my life? Or existence, I should say. Because If I'm dead, then I obviously don't have a life. (just like me)

I look around. A speck of light is burning a few feet away, I think. I walk towards it. The light gets bigger, but not closer. I speed up. Still not getting closer. But the light is blinding now. I cover my eyes with my arms and keep running. I vaguely remember the saying "don't go into the light" or whatever. Maybe this is heaven. Maybe I'm being forgiven by some God. That's a nice thought.

"But do you deserve to be forgiven?" The nasty voice in my mind chimes.

"No," I think. "I don't deserve to be forgiven. But if they're willing to, who's to argue? Not me."

Suddenly the light fades out. My eyes still closed as tight as possible, I lower my arm. I slowly, slowly open my eyes. It's not dark anymore. I look around. I'm in a clearing. There's woods all around me. The grass is greener than anything I've ever seen. Well, other than Har-

Harry. Oh Merlin. How could I forget. I was so caught up in my "death," and the light, I didn't think of him. My stomach sinks, and so do I. Right down in the grass. I lay in the ground, looking up at the blue sky, not able to bring myself to even look at the color green at the moment. I feel tears prick my eyes. "I won't cry," I think. "I need to be strong."

"Strong for who? You have no one," The voice in my head coos. That's true. every one of the people I rely on don't need me. Mom has dad. Pansy has Blaise. Blaise has Pansy. And- I choke up. I don't even have Harry. Not as a friend, not as more. I pull out a chunk of grass. I can feel tears flow down my face. Harry has tons of people. I have no one. "What a perfect couple" I think sarcastically. I can feel tears still falling out of my eyes. God, I'm so pathetic. What a stupid thing to cry about. It's just all too much. People are too much. The world is too much. I'm glad I never have to see it again.

"Draco," someone whispers. No, nobody said that. I'm going crazy. I laugh, and the rest of my tears fall down my cheeks. Somehow that's a comforting thought. Going crazy, that is. Nobody expects anything from a crazy person.

"Draco." The whisper comes back, louder this time. Merlin, I couldn't have imagined that one. I close my eyes, ignoring it and my heart pounding against my chest. I thought I was dead? Why is there someone in my afterlife? I feel something touch my cheek, and I almost scream. Luckily I didn't. I did jump though. I sit up, my eyes still closed. "Great, now I have to acknowledge their presence," I think. I wipe my cheeks with my hands and open my eyes. I come face first with none other than Harry Potter. My eyes widen. I scooch back a bit, and sit with my legs crossed. He does the same in front of me.

"What- what are you doing here?" I ask. "Actually, how are you here?" I add.

He laughs. "I don't think I'm really here," he responds. I tilt my head at him, not understanding. "I mean, I don't quite understand what's happening. I was by your hospital bed, but now I'm here. Why is that?" He asks.

I shrug. "I don't know, why are you here, Potter?" His smile falls.

"Being cold again, Draco?"

"I don't really want to do this, do I?" I ask myself, not answering Harry- no, Potter. "I do have to do this. I'm not worthy of him. The Chosen One. My chosen one."

"Yes, I am. And please, Potter, call me Malfoy," I say, crossing my arms and closing my eyes. My heart feels like it's shattered in two. I've convinced myself it's for the best. I open my eyes, only to find Harry gone from in front of me. I look around. He's standing up now, his back to me. I stand up too, and walk towards him.

"What's wrong Potter? Does it make you mad not everyone wants to be your best buddy?" I taunt. My insides are like fire. Not angry fire, but fire of devastation. It wraps around my heart, burning it to peices. I look back at Harry. He's shaking. For a second I think he's laughing. But then he turns around to me. I see tears on his face before he pushes me away. I fall to the ground in seconds. My heart shatters even more.

"I love you," I croak out quietly, tears rolling down my face. "I can't do this," I think. "I need to tell him how I feel." I stand up quickly and rub the tears off my face. I look around the clearing frantically. He's not here. He's gone. I lay back down, letting the green grass envelop me.


Harry's POV

My eyes shoot open. I must've fallen asleep. I look around. My hand is still on Draco's- no Malfoy's cheek. I rip it away. I recount my dream. I know it wasn't just a dream. That actually happened. I look at Malfoy. His tearstained cheeks break my heart.

"Why do I care so much?" I ask myself. "He's a jerk."

I walk away from the bed and towards the hospital wing doors. I walk away from Draco, not noticing my heart break.


Hermione's POV

I'm sat in the library with six or so books sitting around me. They're all on the same topic- veelas. I'm so lost in the reading I don't notice someone sit next to me. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I jump, dropping the quill I was chewing on. I look at who it is. Pansy.

"I had a suspicion you figured out my dear friends secret," she said, leaning back on her chair.

"So it's true? I was right?" I ask. She raises an eyebrow. I roll my eyes. "Draco- he really is a veela?" I ask.

"First of all, we're in a library, whisper," she says. "And second, yes. He is."

My eyes widen. It's not new information, but getting it confirmed is big.

"And," Pansy starts, "I know who his mate is," she adds smugly.

I laugh. "So do I." Her eyes widen, then she squints them. "Are you sure? Let me hear your theory."

"Well, I was sort of thinking it could be- don't laugh at it, but I think it's Harry." I said. I tried to read her expression, but I can't.

"Well well well, it seems you do know what you're talking about. I need your help though," she says, a smile on her face that makes me uneasy.

"With what," I ask suspiciously.

"Getting them together, of course," She says brightly. "Come on, bring your books back to our room," she says standing up. She holds out her hand for me to take. I hesitate, then grab it.

"Ok, plan drarry is a go," I say, a sly smile on my face. I receive the same one in return.

"They won't know what hit them."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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