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Draco's POV


s I bounced toward the eighth year dormitory, where I assumed Harry was, I realized something. "What am I doing? Harry won't love me." I stopped, dead in my tracks. Even though Harry is bi, and we seem to be getting along pretty good, I bullied him. For years. His friends too.

But Hermione seemed to like me, didn't she? And does the stupid Weasels opinion really matter?

"Oi! Malfoy!" I whip my head around at the sound of the voice.

I sneer when I see who it is. Great. Just who I was thinking about. "Hello, Weasel."

He walks towards me with reluctant expression, stopping a few feet in front of me. His hands are moving as if he's deciding what to do. I raise my eyebrows, feeling my sneer leave my face, replaced with a look of curiosity.

Weasley looks down at his feet, shuffling them. He looks like he has something to say. I roll my eyes. "Spit it out, Weasel. I have places to be."

His head shoots up, annoyed expression on his face. I couldn't care less. I roll my eyes again, and shift my weight to my right leg, putting my left hand on my hip and taping my foot. I come off as annoyed, though in reality I'm actually curious.

Weasley sighs and looks at me like he's going to regret what goes going to say. "Malfoy," he starts.

"Yes, that's my name..."

He sighs again. "I know you and Harry are friends now, and I guess that means I might see you more often. I don't think it'd be very cool for us to be fighting all the time, so I'd like to have a truce," he finishes looking up oddly determined, and sticking his hand out.

I raise my eyebrows at him, glancing at his arm. I cross my arms and stand up straight. "Wow, I'm surprised. I didn't think you were capable of being civil."

"Oh for the love of- Just shake my fucking hand Malfoy," Weasley said, exasperated.

"Hmm," I hum, faking a thoughtful look. I make show of sighing, as though I've just come to the conclusion I had a few moments ago. "I suppose it would be a good idea..." I fake sigh again, before taking his still outstretched hand and shaking it. "But just know this is because Harry's my roommate, (oh my god they were roommates) and I'd hate to ruin my new friendship with him just because you and I don't get along." I warn him. "And I suppose you can't be as bad as you seem," I add

"You suppose I can't be as bad as I seem?" Weasley said, yet again exasperated. "You're the ex-death eater."

I sneer. He does not want to go there. "Yes, well you're the one who can't tell when a subject is a sensitive one. And I'm the one who doesn't blab about stuff he doesn't even know the half of."

Weasel huffs. "I'm sorry for bringing the death eater thing into it. It won't happen again. Anyway, I have to go, but just know I'm only giving you a chance for Harry. I still don't trust you, but I just want Harry to be happy. So... Ok?" He finishes, firmly.

"I understand, and it's not like you've proven yourself either, so don't go acting all angelic. Also stop acting like you're giving me permission to date him, that's weird," I add, only half joking. I look at him closer to see his reaction to the last part.

Weasley grunts, looking uncomfortable. "'Well I mean... If you and Harry were to... You know... Date..." He starts, becoming more and more uncomfortable with each word. I didn't expect him to take my "joke" seriously.

"Nothings stopping you, I guess," he continues. "I just... Wouldn't approve much. But my opinion doesn't matter... It's your guys's lives." he finished, his now red face looking at the ground. He fiddles with his hands.

My mind is reeling. I feel as if I've just gotten permission to marry Harry. If even Weasel- Weasley doesn't care, then why would anyone else. All I need now is to let Harry see the real me. I feel a wave of butterflies flutter in my stomach. I can barely stifle my grin. "I'm sure you won't have to worry about that, Weasley," I tell him, emphasizing his name. He looks up, surprised.

"You said my real last name."

"Yes, well. Friends don't call each other Weasels, now do they?" I raised my eyebrow at him, and stand up straight. I'm curious to see his reaction to my question.

Weasley blinks once. Twice. Three times. "You called us...-"

"I'm aware."


"Just accept it Weasley. It'd be embarrassing to be rejected friendship by one of the golden trio again, wouldn't it?" I say, teasing.

"Yeah... Yeah, I guess so," he says slowly. "Yeah. Well, I have to go to bed. It's getting late."

"Yeah," I agree. "Wait, what were you doing out here this late anyway?" I question.

Ron's ears turn red. "I, uh, I was just... Visiting a... friend! Yeah! I was just visiting a friend." He stammers, looking down.

I raise my eyebrows. I'm too tired to tease him about this shit right now. "Hmmm, I'm not sure about that 'friend' part, but okay," I tell him, putting air quotes around 'friend'.

"Um, so, yeah. Bye," He says, having turned even redder. I watch him walk towards the eighth year dorm. That was interesting. I guess this means I've settled things with all of the Golden Trio. Maybe-

My thoughts were interrupted by Weasel turning around to face me. "It's also cool that we're kinda friends now, by the way. But if you do anything I don't approve of, I will not hesitate to hex you," he threatened.

I cross my arms. "Right back at you, Weasley."

"Ok then, bye for real this time. See you tomorrow," he says, turning back around and heading out of sight. I sigh. I should probably go to bed, It's probably pretty late by now. I check my muggle device called a "watch". What it's watching, I don't know. But it tells me the time. After the war wizards started integrating muggle "electronics" into the wizarding world. I picked one up to attempt to prove my tolerance for muggles. (though I've always had a facination with certain parts of muggle culture)

Anyway, my watch says it's 10:23. Shit. An hour and 23 minutes past curfew. I'm fucked. I run my hands through my hair, sighing. I turn towards the eighth year room, and start walking back. I'm so lost in my thoughts concerning my mate (Potter?) I didn't hear footsteps behind me.

"Oi! Death Eater! Over here!" a voice calls out from behind me. I whip around, sneering and ready to hex someone.

A red light flashes towards me before I could react. I fall to the ground, stunned, literally. Fuck. I'm going to die, aren't I?

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