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Rylands pov

I sit in the bathroom stall with my head in my hands, my body shaking violently.

I thought he liked me.

The bathroom door slams open violently, smashing on the tile wall. The sound of footsteps grows closer, before giving way to a voice.

"Ryland?" He says.
It was Shane.

"Fuck off" I choke, trying to erase all evidence of me crying over this boy.
"Ryland hear me out—" he starts, his voice strained.
"I don't want to fucking hear it" I yell.
"Yes you fucking do"
"I don't!"
"It's important Ryland please"
"No shane! I don't want to fucking hear it! I don't want to fucking hear you just fuck off!" My yells bouncing off the walls, slightly echoing my wavering voice.
"I thought you cared about me." I mumble.
"I still do."
"Bullshit. That's bullshit Shane."
"It's not—"
"If you don't care about me anymore, fine...

Because I don't care about you anymore"

Shanes pov

He doesn't care.
Not at all.

Silent tears run down my face, dripping onto the floor.
I feel numb.


Not numb.

I'm angry.

I'm fucking furious.

"You don't CARE?" I nearly yell,
"You don't fucking CARE?"

My nails dig into my palms; I ball my fists tight and pound on the rusty door. It gives way and slams open beside him, causing Ryland to jump.

"What the fuck Sha—"

I don't give him a chance to finish his Sentence.
I push Ryland against the stall wall, one hand above his head, the other beside it. I Crain my neck down, gazing into his glossy blue eyes, our chests nearly touching.

"You don't fucking care?" I ask again, more of a wisper this time. His breath was hot on my chest, as I towered above him. My hand traces his jawline as it tilt his head upwards toward me.

"Do you care about this?"

I swoop down and smash his soft pink lips into mine. He doesn't pull away, and neither do I. We stand making out in the bathroom stall, my phone buzzing nonstop in my back pocket.


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