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Harry POV:

I looked at the building we had just apprated to doutfully. It looked so...normal, just like any other appartment building. This didn't look like the kind of place where voldemort's grandson lived. I thought he would live in a mansion or something.

"Professor are you sure this is the right place?"

"Yes harry, his mother's apartment must be on the 7th floor if I am not mistaken". Dumbledor replied as he walked to the elevator, Remus and I following closely behind.

"What is this place anyway, Albus?" Remus enquired as we got in.

"We are in New York, United States of America"

"America?!" I exclaimed, " What the bloody hell are we doing in america?!".

"Language, Harry", the headmaster corrected before adding " Perseus' grandmother brought her daughter to the U.S to hide her from her father, where she was adopted".

This was news us. Dumbledor hadn't told us anything before apart from the fact that voldemort's grandson is perseus jackson. There was silence after that as Remus and I let the information sink in.

There was was a soft ting and the doors of the elevator opened and we stepped out walking along the hallway as dumbledor checked the house numbers.

"This must be it, if i an not mistaken." he said as we got to the third door and knocked.

A few seconds later, the door opened to reveal a boy who looked like a slightly older and a more muscular version of me.
"Um........hello?" he asked hesitantly.
"Hello" Dumbledor replied, " Is this the Jackson-Blofis residence?"

"Yes, can I help you?"

"We are looking for Perseus Jackson".

"Well you've come to the right place, cause you're looking at him" was the reply.

I gaped, this was him! He wasnt at all like i had imagined, with his sharp features and a swimmer's build. I thought he was going to look like a mini voldemort, pale with red eyes or like tom riddle, evil but handsome.

"Now" perseus started, " Who are you and what do you want".

Well that was rude, but one would expect that from voldemort's grandson.


Percy POV:

"Now, who are you and what do you want?"
I asked. I knew it was rude but i needed to find out wether grandalf, scarhead and wolfy- i called him wolfy cause he reminded me of Lupa and her pack for some reason- were threats.

"Oh where are my manners, I am Albus Dumbledor and this is Harry Potter and Remus Lupin.", Granalf said, pointing to each of his companions in turn, " I happen to know the activities director of your camp"

My eyebrows shot up. This raised the possibility of them being allies. Of course, if they were monsters they would have already attacked by now, but i had a lot of enemies and hed to make sure they were what they seemed to be.

"How much sugar does he my activities director like with his coffee?"
It was a security question that Chiron set up that was supposed to be asked to anyone who said they knew him. If their answer was right then they were allies, if they didnt understand what i was talking about or their answer was wrong then they were enemies.

"Two teaspoons" Dumbledor answered.

I grinned "Well then, i'm pretty sure you didnt come all this way for nothing, come on in, and please call me percy." I said as i lead them inside closing the door behind us,

"Mom we have guests" i said as we walked in.

My mom came out of the the kitchen and smiled brightly at the strange trio "Hello, i'm Sally Blofis, its a pleasure to meet you".

Dumbledor introduced himself and his companions and said "We are here to inform you of percy's grandfather".

Mom and I tensed "Which side?" I asked.

"Your mother's"

I nearly sighed in relief. I did not want to deal with Kronos again. We all that down and I motioned for dumbledor to begin

"Percy, you are a wizard, meaning you can do magic".

"Wait, wait. Hold up. You're saying that magic is real, and I'm a wizard?! Like wands and stuff?"

"Yes. You and your mother come from a long line of witches and wizards, and your mother cant do magic as she is a squib"

I sighed and shook my head " You know what? Why not. Why cant magic exist, there's no reason for it not to"
This wasnt that much of a surprise to me, after all, if the greek gods are real the why cant magic exist too. Plus Hectate is the goddess of magic and i had seen the hectate campers do some magic.

"Wait, you're not shocked?" Harry, I think his name was said,eyes wide.

"Of course I'm shocked, but the fact is that there is no reason for magic to not exist. Now, you wanted to talk to my mother and I about my grandfather?"

"Might as well get comfy, this is a long story." Lupin spoke for the first time.

Uh, hi.
I AM STILL ALIVE!!*Dodges rotten tomatos* I am so sorry for the delay *ducks to avoid other rotten fruits* .
Also, the next chapter will be up soon. PM me if you have any suggestions.
Thx for reading.

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