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Percy pov
"Will you join my school?" Dumbledore asked.

My eyes narrowed, he was apprantly an ally, but I was wary "You want me, the grandsom of your enemy to......join your school? Why? Wouldn't this just cause more problems? I was just fine not knowing my heritage, and I am pretty sure I can say the same for my mother."

I know what you're thinking. When did percy get this smart? Well, you can't exactly hang around wise girl for so long without learning a little something yourself plus, this is about protecting camp.

What if Dumbledore, Lupin and Harry were enemies and had the security question because of a leak, and the whole story was a diversion......

But in that case, wouldn't they have attacked by now? Also, I saw the strong emotions in Harry's eyes when Dumbledor was telling the story. The greif of his parents' death and his love for them, and the resentment and anger he had for voldemort.

No monster could be such a good actor.
Or make up such a complex story for that matter.
That was true emotion in Harry's eyes. These robe-wearing people were telling the truth!

"I truly do not think our situation could get any worse than it is at this moment" Dumbledore said "and with his sources, Voldrmort will not be far behind us in finding you, this puts you in danger. At this moment, my school is the most protected place from voldemort. With the war -because that is what it is- we belive that you should come with us, where you can avoid it if you wish to."

I sighed and rubbed a hand over my face. This is gonna lead to another war, a war I don't want to fight I mean, I literally just came back from the second giant war. But I can't just not help.

Lupin gasped, on his face was a look of understanding "Your the Perseus Jackson, aren't you? I have heard quite a bit about you. You might know my cousin, Lou Ellen."

My eyes widened, I was gaping like a fish. Before I could say anything, harry spoke up "You have a cousin? And she knows him?" he asked, pointing toward me.

"Yes Harry, and I belive that's why Albus opted to bring me as well." Lupin turned towards me "I must say, it is truly an honor to meet you."

I was still gaping like a fish.

When I finally found my voice, I said, "Um, uh.....thanks, but I couldn't have done it without everyone else, I would have died without everyone else."

"Lupin smiled, "I was told about your modesty as well."

I bit my lip, but before I could do something embarrassing, my mother and saviour, who had slipped into the kitchen without me noticing, walked out with a plate of blue chocolate chip cookies.

" Wait, so Lou told you everything?" She had obviously heard everything -how does she do that- and said what I had been thinking out loud.

"When she found out I had magic, she thought it was okay to tell, as long as I kept it a secret, of course" Lupin explained.

"What? He did what? Remus' cousin told him what? What is going on here?" Harry asked, completly confused.

"It dosen't matter, just family stuff, see, Lou and I are distantly related. This does not concern you." I replied. Wow, I'm being smarter than usual. Ladies and gentlmen, this is what happens when you have a daughter of Athena for a girlfriend. Not that I would like it any other way, of course.

I could tell my answer didn't satify Harry, but he nodded, accepting the explanation, but I knew he would try to find out, by the way he was looking at me. He propably, no, definitly didn't trust me. He had reason to not trust me, cause of my grandfather, on a way, and he always had a defensive posture, and hjs had was always near by his pocket. I wonder if these guys have wands, that would be awesome!

Wait, I gotta get back to topic, there is evil guy who just happens tp be my grandfather and is trying to tale over their world -that is so original- and I want to help.
Annabeth is going to kill me.
MOM is going to kill me.
Oh shist.

My mother turned to me, sadness clearly evident in her eyes "You should go, percy. To this school I mean. You need to know how to defend yourself with magic."

"Mom, if I go I will fight in the war."

"I know you enough to know that percy and I know that you would have gone without me telling you to."
She replied "This is propably not going to be safe, so just promise me that you are going to come back to me as soon as possible. I don't want to lose you again."

I looked into her eyes and said " I promise."

I was rewarded with a small sad smile from mom, which I returned.

Harry was the one who broke the awkward silence that followed.
"'re coming?" A hint disappoint in his voice.

I mentally scowled at that, but didn't show it and nodded.

Dumble smiled "Well then, we will come back tomorrow and take you to the headquayers of the order of the phoenix" he said ad he stood up. Harry and Lupin doimg the same.

I nodded once more as mom and I got up "Well,  see you then I guess."

As they stepped out the door Lupin-he still reminds me of Lupa, I need to ask him about that later- turned to me and said "Thank you, for your decision to help in the war I mean. We need all the help we can get."

I smiled "I couldn't just stand by and do nothing."

"Yes you could have, if you wanted to. Anyway, see ypu tomorrow Percy."

"Ya, bye"

I closed the door with a sigh "I better go IM wise girl" I said as walked to the bathroom.

HEY ALL!!! I am back! Update in October as promised! Next chapter coming soon. Suggestions are welcome and please don't hesitate to leave a comment if you would like to say something. Votes are appreciated!
Thanks for reading, you are all amazing people!

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