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Percy pov:

"Might as well get comfy, this is a long story" Lupin said for the first time.

"First of all you need to know that there are three kinds of witches and wizards" dumbledor said "Pure bloods who are descended from wizards, muggle-borns who are decended form muggles who do not have magic, and half bloods who have one magical parent and one muggle parent. Though magical ability is not affected by one's heritage, many pureblood families think of mughles and muggle-borns beneatb them."

"Now, ",  Dumbledor continued "a dark wizard named who calls himself Voldemort thinks that muggles and muggle borns and even half-bloods are inferior to purebloods and belives that they should not be allowed to study magic and should be eradicated. This is why the first wizarding war was fought. It seemed like the war would rage on for decades to come, however on october 31st 1981, when voldemort arrived to kill the potters, he quickly killed james potter, harry's father, and tried to kill harry but lilly sacrificed herself for him and because of the sheer power of her love the killing curse rebounded on voldemort making harry here" he motioning to the boy in question " the only one ever to survive the killng curse. But now voldemort has returned, and the danger is more than ever before since out government refuses to acknoledge his return. The Order of the Phoenix, the organisation which I am the founder of, is against voldemort." Dumbledor said.

"I understand your position in this matter, but where do i come in?" I questioned.

" You see, voldemort had a daughter but his daughter was a squib, so her mother, knowing that voldemort would kill both her and the child the second he found out, took her to america where she was adopted. So, Sally riddle became Sally jackson."

Wait, so you are telling me that my biological father is a rasist maniac?" Mom asked, her wide and disbeliving. She knew i wouldn't let anyone into the house without the security question, but she was weary.

I couldn't really blame though, this is not exactly belivable, and thats coming from someone who does and sees things that aren't supposed to exist every day. Heck, I'm not supposed to exist.

Wait a sec, this means I have ANOTHER evil grandfather! I groaned.
Oh come on! Why can't the fates give me a break for once?!

"Yes, Mrs Jackson and as I said before, you are a squib, percy however, definitly has magic but his acceptence letter from the american school of magic wasn't delivered due to certain circumstances" Dumbledor said "This is why, when voldemort finds out about you and percy, the both of you will be in danger."

Lupin spoke up "So what should we do now, Albus? Bringing them to headquaters to protect them -with their permission- would work, but percy would need to take his owls and he is definitly not 15 -how old are you by the way?" the last part was directed to wards me.

"I am 16, but i will be 17 in a month" was my answer.

"Actually I have a proposition for you, Percy." Dumbledor said "Will you join my school?"

So........thats it. Please dont hesitate to vote and comment. Also, but if you have any suggestions please dont hesitate to leave them in a comment or PM me.
Thx for reading!
-Team_ Moonlark

Percy Jackson: Vodemort's grandsonWhere stories live. Discover now