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 "Oh fleechy do ne a solid, show me Annabeth Chase at camp halfblood" I said as I tossed the drachma into the rainbow.

I was greeted with the image of Annabeth making an architectural plan.

I cleared my throat, making her look up.

"Percy! How come you Iris Messaged so soon?  she said, a smile gracing her lips. "I mean, I expected you to but not this soon."

I sighed "Well you see, I IMed because I need to tell you something."

Annabeth's smile dropped, replaced with a look of concern " What happened?" she asked.

So I told her everything, about Dumbledore and Lupin and Harry and magic and how Lupin knew about us........everything.

After a moment of silence, Annabeth spoke up "Well I can't go to hogwarts with you but I will -obviously- help wherever I can. I will talk to Lou Ellen and the hectate campers about all this and get back to you, you just concentrate on tomorrow. I've got your back. Iris message me often and take of yourself seaweed brain or I will judo flip to tomorrow when I get to you, understand?" She said, her eyes daring me to say no.

I gave her a lopsided grin and mock saluted her saying "Yes ma'am".

She smiled back and promised to tell the others and we spent the next half hour talking, laughing and generally having a good time. All too soon, she had to say goodbye and slash through the mist with her hand, causing the image to disappear.

The rest of the day passed by in a blur and that night, I layed awake for a while, wondering what tomorrow would bring before slipping into morpheus's realm.


Mom and I sat on the couch as Paul paced from one side of the room to the other. He had gone into the master bedroom to attend to a call when Dumbledore, Harry and Lupin were here, and then something else had turned up so he was in there the whole time while they were talking about magic. So, we had explained everything to him.

He looked as nervous as I felt. I was a WIZARD. I was going to a MAGIC SCOOL. I was going to fight my evil grandfather. and I didn't have annabeth to back me up. That said, I was glad she wasn't going up against my sadistic, evil, insane grandfather even though she wold definitly handle it a billion times better than me.

Suddenly, I heard the doorbell ring.
"I got it" I said jogging up to answer it.

I looked out and was slightly surprised at the fact that Dumbledore had come by himself, Harry and Lupin were nowhere to be seen. I didn't let it show and smiled at the him "Hey Professor, you're early".

He chuckled "Only just, Percy. So, are you ready to go?"

"Ya just let me say goodbye and grab my stuff." I replied.

He waited patiently as I hugged mom and paul and grabbed my two duffel bags. One with clothes and the other with armour and weapons.

We stepped out and he held out his hand "hold on tight"

"What? Why?" I demanded.

"You are about to experience a form of wizarding travel and I suggest you hold on to me and your belongings the whole time" he said, eyes twikling.
I had a bad feeling about this.

Suddenly, I felt as if I was swept off of my feet and twisted is every direction at the same time. I felt like I couldn't breath and and there were metal band around my chest and my stomach was doing summersalts. It only lasted and moment though.

I fell to my knees as we landed, I felt like I was about to throw up but thankfully didn't.

I stayed like that for a minute, that was just as bad as shadow travel though I dout Nico would like it.

"What was that?!" I exclaimed as I stood up, looking at the house in front of us.

"That" Dumbledore replied, yees twinkling "was appration, a magical form of transportation. Most people throw up on their first time though you being who you are I suppose you could handle it. Also, I trust you see the house in front of us."

"Of couse I do, it's right there! And I hate apparation."

"Well, the house is protected by enchantments to not be visible to anyone except a few. But as I said before, you can see it because of your father."

Oh, well ok then.

The professor knocked and I took a deep breath.
Here goes nothing.

A woman opened the door, she had red hair, a kind face and warm brown eyes. But she looked wary, as if there was a weight on her shoulders, as if she braced herself for the worst everyday.........but hoped for the best.

I noticed there was a man beside her but before anyone could do anything, he pointed the stick in his hand toward me and a red bolt of light shot out.

I barely had time to dodge only to get assulted with another bolt of light.

This time, it struck home and the last thing I saw was the flash of red and the world went black......

Hey everyone!
Yes I know, long wait and I am sorry about that. I should have updated.
Again, I am so sorry.
That's chapter 6 and chapter 7 is coming up soon.
Comments and votes are highly appreciated!
Also, I am participating in the planetorplastic contest and if you want to check it out, the story will be on my profile and the book with the rules and conditions is on my reading list (team moonlark's eeading list) if you want to check it out.
Thx for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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