Chapter 2

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Zoey POV


"Daddy!" 6-year-old me screams as I get home from school.

I had won an amazing award from my teacher and was beyond happy. The door to our two bedrooms, second-story apartment slams behind me as I run into my dad's waiting arms. He twirls me around as I giggle. I look exactly like him, except for my eye shape, which is exactly like my dead-beat mom.

"How was school baby girl?" He asks with the million-dollar smile I had gotten from him, even though it's rarely ever seen anymore.

"Great Daddy, my teacher gave me an award," I answer and show him the award.

He sets me down and takes the award. He nods and eyes go beyond bright in pride as he takes my favorite magnet, a blue sea-star shaped one and hangs it on the fridge. I smile at him as he gets out the ingredients for dinner so we can make dinner together.

I wake up, tears rolling down my face. It happens a lot. It's either crying or screaming. I check my clock, it's 3:00 am. That's earlier than usual. When I wake up, I can never go back to sleep afterward. So, I get ready for school. Taking a quick shower, I put on a pair of leggings, a giant navy blue hoodie, a blue t-shirt, and decide on knee-high, lace-up black boots.

Taking out a book, earbuds and my phone, I put the earbud into the phone, put the buds into my ears, play a playlist of songs I love and start reading. I love doing this, it prepares me beyond worried day for the public. I hate being around a lot of people and starting to panic if they're really close.

Finishing the book, I look up and put the book away. I look at the time and head downstairs for breakfast. It's 6 right now, and I always help Linda set the table and make coffee on the weekdays and Saturday. I get down and notice there is no Linda in the kitchen, singing random lyrics from songs.

Then, I check the date and realize it's Sunday. No one gets up until 10 at the latest. I groan and decide to go walk around the park for a bit. I grab my earbuds and money before opening and shutting the front door quietly. Everything around me fades, and I can barely hear my music. I feel my heart pounding as I jog around the beautiful park that's almost completely empty. 

It's early on a Sunday, so only a few other joggers and some elderly couples are here. I stay in the more empty, secluded part of the giant park, away from everyone else. I stop at a bench and take a breather. After a few minutes, I get up and the world starts getting darker around the edges of my vision. 

From the lack of food, it makes me dizzy sometimes and I have a headache for a few seconds afterward. Trying to balance myself, I start walking, only to run into something. 

"Watch it." A rough voice says.

Looking up, I'm met with clear blue eyes that change to purple every few seconds or so. They seem familiar, but I can't remember where.

"Sorry," I mutter before walking away from that situation.

I continue to run around the park for a while, but those kaleidoscope eyes keep coming back to me. Why do they seem so familiar? In my lifetime, I've only known one person with those eyes, but I highly doubt it was him... Whatever, not like I'm ever going to see the guy I ran into again so no point in thinking about it.

Becoming a bit tired, I walk home and head upstairs to shower before changing into dark blue boyfriend jeans and red camo hoodie, and put on socks and my high tops. Running into my room, looking beyond worried, is Layla.

"What's up?" I ask her.

"We're going out today and I don't know what to wear." She answers before rushing to her room.

I laugh and follow her. Every time her parents decide to take us somewhere she can never seem to choose what to wear. Since I'm the same age as her, she asks me to help her decide. I never say no. One, because I love to help people, it helps distract me from the fact that I can't help myself, and two, I love seeing the latest outfit she's made.

She also makes some of my clothes, mainly to give to me as a gift for Christmas or my birthday, even though I hate both days since I can't celebrate them with my dad. Walking into her room, two short, but fancy looking dresses lay on her bed with matching shoes, jewelry, and purse.

The first dress is simpler than the second one. A white, lacy top, a black belt around the waist, and bright pinkish orange bottom, matched with white lacy canvas, no jewelry, and a neon pink hand purse.

The second outfit is hot pink, almost red, one shoulder dress with a flowing sleeve, matched with black heels, a golden seashell ring, golden leaf bracelet, a golden dove with a golden flower in its claws, golden flower earrings, and no purse.

"I love the new dresses." I compliment her.

"Thanks, Z, but which one should I wear?" She asks.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"The fanciest restaurant in town. Dad just reconnected with an old friend from college so they want each family to meet each other." Layla answers.

"The one-shoulder dress then."

"Thanks, Z."

She hugs me and I smile a bit. She's the only person who calls me Z, the boys call me Fidget, as well as Hannah. Linda and Carl call me Zoey, but when the thing I can't hear them, they call me Fidget. They think it is rude to say it to my face, but my dad taught me it's even worse to say it behind their back.

"I guess you guys are going to have fun," I tell her.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"I mean, I'm technically not family, blood family, so I wouldn't be going."

"Why would you think that?"

"I wouldn't have to have found out from you if I was going."

"Z, you are part of the family."

"But I have dyed hair, something that no one else is allowed to do. I know that the only reason your dad agreed to adopt me is that he felt sorry for me and wanted to make your mom happy."

"Oh Z..."

She pulls me into a tight hug and I rest my head on her shoulder. Pulling away from the hug, she pulls me along.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To my parents' room to ask them if you're going."

"Layla, I told you, it's fine."

"No, it's not Fidget. You are family, and if my dad can't see that, f*ck him."

We arrive and she glares at her dad. Her glare can be deadly at times.

"Dad..." Lay growls.

Carl turns and gulps at her stare.

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He asks her.

"Don't sweetheart me." She says, "Why isn't Z going?!"

"Because she isn't blood family." He answers.

"But she's still family. So what if she's not blood?!" She shouts.

"What's going on here" Linda shouts from behind us.

"Dad won't let Fidget come," Layla answers, not breaking her gaze from her dad.

"Carl, why isn't Zoey going?"

"Because she's not blood." He answers.

"She is going." Linda finalizes.

Layla smiles triumphantly and turns to me.

"I'll help you get ready later." She tells me and walks away.

My phone buzzes and I notice it's from Mr. Blair.

It's going to be worse tonight. ~Carl Blair

I gulp. Did I forget to mention he sexually abused me?

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