Chapter 13

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Blake POV

The party last night was fun, I guess. The only good part was that Zoey rarely ever left my side, except to talk to her Aunt Ruby who is so kind that I didn't mind sharing with her. Anyways, Zo ended up falling asleep around 11 so I had to carry her upstairs to her room. After we get married, we'll have our own room in our own house.

It seems surreal. The fantasy that I used to imagine as a kid is finally coming true, but not the way I planned. This isn't happening by her choice or mine, we have yet to go on our first date and we've barely graduated high school. I'm making a promise to myself right now that I take Star on her first date before the end of the month, which is in two weeks.

After tucking her into bed, I walk to my room. If she isn't up, there's no point in going back to the party to be flirted with by a bunch of girls since my amazing friends are all drunk. I get changed and get into bed. I hadn't realized how tired I was because the moment my head hits the pillow, I'm out.

~~~~~~~~~~3:00 A.M.~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I wake up and hear screaming next door to me. I jump up and run into Zoey's room. She screaming in her sleep. What the hell?! She bounces up and is shaking and crying, fully awake now. I run to her side and hold her in my arms.

"I-I'm sorry." She whispers.

"Why are you sorry?" I ask, concerned out of my mind.

"I woke you up." She whispers.

"Oh Star, that doesn't matter to me. What matters is that you're okay."

I rock us back and forth in an attempt to calm her down, which succeeds in working. She falls back to sleep in my arms and we stay there for the rest of the night.

~~~~~~~~~~That morning~~~~~~~~~

I wake up and see her laying on my lap. Memories of last night flood back to me. I sigh at the memories. I'll have to ask her about the nightmare and if this happens often. I get up and go back to my room to take a shower and get changed. I put on some sweats and walk downstairs to cook up some breakfast for her and me.

Someone runs into the kitchen as I get out the bacon from the fridge and jumps onto me. They fall to the floor and I turn around to see my adorable little sister giggling like crazy.

"Hi, Blake!" She says with excitement. 

"Why are you so excited this morning? It's barely 7." I ask.

"I finished planning yours and Zoey's first date." 

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