Chapter 23

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Blake POV~Wedensday, December 19th

The following morning, around 6, we all pack up the car and drive down to the beach house. We stop to get gas and snacks once, as the twins hadn't had breakfast. 

"Are we there yet?" I ask.

"No Blake," Maddison answers.

"Are we there yet?" I ask a few minutes later.

"No," She answers yet again.

I stare out the window, watching the scenery before asking, "Are we there yet?"

"No," She answers, annoyance rising in her voice.

"Are we there yet?" I ask again.

She turns up the volume to drown me out. I'm bored and start to make a game of this, to help lift at least my spirits. 

"If you don't shut up right now I will not hesitate to throw you out that window and have you walk to the beach house!" She yells at me.

"Fine," I mumble and pout.

The rest of the ride is silent. None of us dare break it, as we don't want to anger Maddison anymore. I watch as the scenery passes by the car window. As a kid, I always loved watching it. As the ground became sand it was a tell-tale sign of a fun weekend ahead with my best friends and family.

Now, the sand still makes me happy to see. It's no longer a tell-tale sign of a fun weekend ahead. It's a sign of a clue that makes me one step closer to having Zoey back in my arms. Darren is a sick bastard for doing this. I get we didn't end on the best foot, but this is really not needed. He's obsessed, just like he was the day of our argument...


"Blake!" A voice yelled behind me.

I turn around to see one of my best friends, Darren Louis. His light brown hair is getting in his face as usual, but that was a fun thing all our friends did to show how close we are. I know it sounds weird, but it's fun.

"What's up man?" I ask.

"We need to talk."

"Okay. Speak then."

"I mean, we need to talk privately."

"Right this way then."

I lead him into my office, right next to my room. I shut the door behind us and he locks it after I sit down. 

"Why'd you shut the door?" I ask.

"Because I don't want anyone walking in," He answers with a serioys tone.

"And why is that?" I ask.

"You alright there, Blake?" Luk asks, a bit of concern in his voice. "You've been staring out that window for a while."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I reply and focusing myself back at the mission we are on.

There is really no time for flashbacks when I need to be aware of everything right now. Maybe if I get a clue that involves one of my memories, maybe I can think about it, but definitely not right now.

"How close are we, sis?" Joe asks.

"Probably another ten minutes," She replies.

We ride the rest of the way in silence. I don't think any of us know what to say even if we wanted to talk. The more clues we find, the creepier this gets and the more alert we become. Since day one of this hunt, I've been terrified of not being able to find her and my senses have been sharper than ever.

We are all tense beyond compare I think. Zoey was a childhood friend we all were very close with. Darren, when we had met Zo, had been away at a boarding school for a while. We had told him about her but he didn't want to hear it. He declared it as a thing of the past and should be forgotten about.

That really hurt to hear, since I had a crush on her. I didn't say that out loud though, since I didn't want to get made fun of by them. Thinking back, they probably wouldn't have but we were at the age where crushing on other girls was something to be made fun of. Mads having a crush was a different story.

We would chase off any guy who dared talk to her. It's no wonder she has yet to have a boyfriend (as far as we know). 

"We're here," Madison announces as she turns the car off.

We all get off and walk to the beach house door. Tapped on his an old-looking, folded piece of paper. 

Dear Joseph,
Sorry Blake, but this isn't for your eyes. Hand it over to Joseph and I won't touch the girl.

With a sigh, I hand the note to Joseph. 

"I'm sorry Blake," He says as he takes it.

"It's fine, not like we have much of a choice," I tell him.

He reads the note a couple times and puts his thinking face on. His face brightens as he grabs the keys his twin's hands and runs to the car. We follow after him, but as he starts the car he locks the doors as well. I bang on the driver door, trying to get him to open the door or at least talk to us. 

I grow frustrated, not letting go of the car door handle. Someone taps me on the shoulder, causing me to turn slightly to see who. Lukas hands me his phone with texts between him and someone else.

I'm sorry you guys, but I can't talk or bring you guys with me. Hope you understand~Joey

I let go of the door with a nod and step away. He speds off away from us and towards the next clue.

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