Chapter 3

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"Bruce?" said Thomas, wide eyed. "Is that.. Is that really you?"

"I said who the hell are you?!!"

"I-Its me.. Its your father." said Thomas, taking of his bat-cowl, revealing his shocked face. But he was still in the shadow so Damian couldn't really see him clearly.

"What? Are you trying to play dumb with me?"

Thomas stared at the boy in front of him for a while, his brain still processing what is happening right now. Is he high? Drunk? Or is he just dreaming? But then, he didn't know whether it was his fatherly instinct or something else but he decided that the boy infront of him was not his son.

"You're not him aren't you?" and with that, he took out his knife and got into a fighting stance. "I don't know what type of game whoever you're working for is playing, but this ends. Now."

Damian ran towards him and slashed his sword but Thomas dodged it swiftly. He wasn't Batman for nothing. A few moments later, Thomas griped the katana's blunt side of blade and flipped it along with Damian. But Damian was quick enough to let go of the katana, back flipped and regained his balance along with his fighting stance. It is now fist versus knife. Thomas slashed his knife without hesitation, aiming for his arm. But Damian predicted that and immediately caught Thomas's wrist. Keeping a tight grip on the armed wrist, Damian judo slammed and knocked him on the ground. Before Thomas could regain his balance, Damian knocked the knife out of his hands. Thomas, not wanting to give up punched Damian with his other hand causing Damian to release him for his tight grip. Both of them backed a away a few inches, trying to regain their fighting stance and getting ready for a fist fight.

They started running towards each other. In a split second, Damian dropped to his knees and kicked Thomas's legs, causing him to fall to his knees. Damian took that chance and jumped on him, wrapped his thigh around his neck and started punching on the head abruptly. Thomas flipped down the ground causing Damian to release his grip. Before Damian could recover, Thomas       hit him at the back and pinned him down to the ground, locking Damian's hands with his own to ensure there is no escape for him.

"Now I'm gonna start asking questions. Lie, and you lose a finger." he said, gripping one of Damian's finger, getting ready to break it anytime.

Titus who had ran away the moment the fight started came back, barking harder seeing that his master is seemingly in danger. But from the sound of it, he wasn't alone.

"Damian?" a voice of a man called out. Of course, he wasn't expecting the sight of his son getting pinned down to the ground by some stranger.

"Who the hell are you? Let him go. Now!" he said, getting into a novice fighting stance.

Batman - Father, Teach Me.. (A Flashpoint Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now