sixteen | hangover

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zzt.318   i hate hangovers ~

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jjustin0219 bring me back my sweater

chengchengg_fan he says he has a hangover but takes selfies smh

"You guys are such meanies." I said, slumping back on the couch. "It was a good selfie!"

"Vain." Fan Chengcheng said next to me. I slapped his arm.

"My head hurts, you guys are so loud." I said, my eyes closing.

"That's what you get for getting drunk!" Justin shouted while on his phone.

"Stop shouting!" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I wasn't shouting!" He shouted.

"Gege, You were so drunk last night that we had to stop you from skinny dipping." Chengcheng said. He grabbed the pillow from the couch and punched me with it. "That's what you get for throwing up on me last night."

"I'm sorry! I couldn't even remember what happened last night, at all." I spoke , rubbing my eyes.

The two boys looked at each other. "Really, you couldn't remember anything?"

"Yeah. Is there something I'm supposed to remember?" I curiously asked them.

Justin shook his head. "You don't have to worry, gege."

"You guys are being weird." I pointed out.

"Ugh! I missed the part where Vanellope made her own car!" Chengcheng, then, complained.

"It's Zhengting's fault!"

"I'm older than you!"

My phone suddenly beeped and I grabbed it.

caixukun liked your post. 1m

He liked my selfie.


"I can't believe you guys didn't told me sooner." I said, walking out of the living room to make some juice.

"We didn't -"

"Just because I was so drunk last night, doesn't make me clueless, you know." I retorted.

"Yeah, they made out last night, what is it to you?"

"I'm honestly so disappointed that he didn't tell me." I said, opening the pantry.

"They've been seeing each other, it's so obvious, gege." Justin calmly said, sitting at the kitchen counter.

Chengcheng walked in, "I actually caught them in school once."

"What?" I widened my eyes. "Why didn't you tell us?"

He just shrugged. "Didn't know it was important."

"I didn't know Zeren liked Yanchen to start with!"  I exclaimed, chuckling. "I'm so dumb!"

Justin snorted. "Well, yeah. You don't even know if someone likes you or not."

I rolled my eyes at him. "That's because no one likes me."

The two laughed at each other. Justin had his hands on his head, while Chengcheng was clapping his hands as he laughed. "You're so dumb."

"You guys are giving me a headache." I muttered, sipping on my orange juice.

As fake as it may sound, I do know that no one likes me. Ever since I was a kid, I've had tons of crushes and whenever I confessed my feelings to them, they have always rejected me. It was a sad feeling, but I'm used to it now.

Sure, there are a few amount of people who likes me as a person but I've never really encountered someone who genuinely likes me.

It's weird to think that someone would actually like me.

"Hey, didn't know you guys were here." Justin's brother said with a smile as he walked in the kitchen. He looked like he just woke up as it is already past 12. He wore a white shirt that had a skull at the front and beach shorts.

"Hi, Daniel." I greeted.

He smiled at me and grabbed a bottle of milk from the refrigerator. "Do you guys know that I'm going to study here now."

"Woah, seriously?" Justin asked. "I thought you were gonna finish school in Korea?"

"My mom said that it's better if I study here with you." He said and then grabbed the instant noodles from the pantry.

Justin and Daniel are half brothers as they have the same father. Daniel grew up in South Korea because his mother is South Korean, obviously. Meanwhile, Justin lived here in China. Although, Justin studied in Korea for a few years so he knows how to speak Korean as well; and vice versa.

"Ooh, you probably missed someone, huh?" I teased Daniel.

Daniel and I are the same age, but I was born a few months older than him, so I told him to not call me 'Gege' or 'Hyung' anymore.

"No." He blushed as stared at the boiling water infront of him.

"She has a boyfriend now, though." Justin said, laughing at his older brother.

"Yeah, they've been together for quite a long time now, huh?" He said, pouting. "First it was Cai Xukun, now it's Xu Minghao!"

"Don't worry, they're not yet married." Chengcheng said, grinning.

This was all news to me.

"Jieqiong was Xukun's ex?" I gasped.

"Yeah. They dated way back then."

"But it was only for a short time." Daniel muttered.

"Oh, I...I didn't know that." I said, looking at my empty glass.

"Don't tell me you like Jieqiong as well." Daniel said, his eyes widened.

"No. Oh my god."

"He likes Xukun!" Justin exclaimed, his smile was wide as ever.

"I didn't say that!" I could feel myself blushing.

"Well, it's so obvious!"

Daniel smirked at me. "You guys would look great together."

Lol, I wish.

hiiii sorry for the last chapter omg dont hate me :(((( it's part of the story hehe

also zhengting forgot about it

but something's gonna happen so u guys better watch out for it!!!

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