Chapter 3

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Ayeshas POV

"Okay, bitch! What was that?" My best friend, Nellie asked. "Y'all were all up on each other! I mean that was Stephen Curry, for God's sake!"

"It's really wasn't anything, Nel. I was just helping him out so his friends would stop teasing him. It wasn't anything more or less," I replied, sitting back in my chair taking another sip of my lemonade. She gave the 'really' look.

"So you're tryna tell me that y'all making out was just to impress his friends?" She said, raising her eyebrow.

"That's exactly what I'm trying to tell you!" I giggled, returning the same face she was giving me.

"Hm, okay. I'll drop it for now," she smirked. We started to eat our lunches again until she broke the silence. "Did you at least get his phone number?!" She whined, making me crack a smile.

"Nope," I said, making sure to pop the p. "Why would I need it?"

"I'm disappointed best friend. You would need it because, as said earlier, he's freaking Steph Curry!"

"You're too much Nellie, I swear," I smiled, checking the time on my phone. "Ugh, I have to go. I have meetings, and meetings. Then more meetings." I got up, making sure to leave enough money on the table for my half.

"Work has taken over your whole life! You need to have a little fun every once and a while!" We started to make our way towards our cars.

"And how am I supposed to do that?"

"Well if you were smart, you would've gotten Curry's digits. But noo, y'all were just trying to 'impress' his friends," she said putting air quotes around impress.

"I knew you were gonna say something about that," I laughed. I opened the door to my car and got in. "Bye Nells! I'll call you later!"


Stephens POV

Today's workout was finally over, and I was finished with all my interviews for the day. Today was media availability day, which meant the day was just that much longer. I walked into the locker room, sitting down and letting out a huge sigh of relief. There was only a brief silence before the boys came hollering in.

"Aye, there's my man!" Dray said, dapping me up.

"I heard you hit it good the other night!" Kevin smirked, taking a seat close to me.

I smiled thinking about the other night. They really think I got laid, but they don't even know what really went down. "You don't even know the half of it."

"He's dropping 60 game 1, be ready!" Klay added, as he took of his sweaty shirt to change into a cleaner one. I took the towel I was holding and wiped away the sweat that was rolling down my face.

"He's coming for that finals MVP!"

"Man y'all need to shut up!" I chuckled shaking my head.

"Someone's all happy and giddy, she must've been epic," Kevin grinned, making people send heart shapes my way and make the 'ooh' sounds.

"She was hot too, with a body to impress," Dray smirked wiggling his eyebrows.

"Dray." I sent him a glare that made his smile grow 10x bigger.

"Ooh getting all protective now, are we? You're into her," Dray snickered, nudging my side.

"No, but you shouldn't talk about woman like that," I snapped back.

"By saying she was hot? Man, you're whipped and you barely even know her," Dray laughed.

I know her more than you think Dray. Not a lot, but I do. "You're never gonna shut up about this, are you?" The way he shook his head no made me slightly chuckle. "I'm gonna head out now. I'll let you guys obsess over my love life," I joked, swinging my duffel bag around my shoulder.

I was nearing the exit when Klay stopped me. "Did you at least catch her name?"

I was about to answer but Kevin spoke first. "His goddess, his beautiful beautiful baby!"

I simply shook my head laughing and made sure to flip them off as I exited the room.

I picked up some dinner on the way home and was now eating back at my place. I was scrolling through Instagram, and couldn't help myself but search for Ayesha. I didn't have her last name, but I'm sure I would be able to find her. And sure enough, when I typed it in her account was one of the first to pop up.

She had around 400k followers. And she said barely anyone knew her, I thought. I was scrolling through her pictures and wow. She was actually the perfect person. She was flawless and adorable.

With the finals coming up quickly, I had two things on my mind; winning and Ayesha.

Hope you all liked it !!
Things will start to pick up ;)
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