Chapter 14

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I have through chapter 21 done, so I will gradually release them.

Ayeshas POV

Tonight I was finally going to go out and enjoy life and not think about anything. Things were finally starting to look up, and I've found that life without your NBA crush is a lot more simple. Not saying I'm enjoying it though.

New pictures of Stephen and his mysterious girl were starting to come out, and I tried my best to not let that phase me. But that wasn't my focus right now, tonight was. And I was going to make sure I made the most of it.

I got ready in a tight black dress, and put some curls in my hair. I popped it off with a bright red lipstick and some heels. And before I knew it, my ride was here.

"Who you tryna impress?" Nellie smirked.

I giggled. "Nells, look at yourself." We got into her car as we headed to the club.

"So are you and Nick still a thing?" I said, a while into the drive.

"I guess you could say so. He's gonna be here tonight actually." She said keeping her eyes on the road.

"Cool." She bit her lip and nodded her head yes. "Nellie, what are you hiding?"

"Well Nick sort of invited like the whole team and then some. So um, yeah." She awkwardly laughed.

"You cannot be serious!" She shrugged her shoulders. "Nellie," I groaned. So more than likely Stephen and his girl were gonna be here. Great.

"We can just turn around if you want? I'll tell Nick that we wanted a girls night-."

"No, it's okay. I'm not gonna let Steph control my life." I looked out of the window for a second, thinking. "I'm just going to let loose and have fun tonight," I murmured under my breath.

Soon enough we were walking into the club. And it was crowded. Me and Nellie managed to get to the vip area where we were met with all our friends.

I greeted everybody until I saw Steph and his girl all over each other at the bar. Seeing them I wanted to cringe, but I gave everything to hold it in.

"I never really liked her," a girl said beside me, snapping me out of my thoughts. I recognized her, I just wasn't quite sure where from. "We haven't formally met, but I'm Dray's girlfriend, Sav." 

I gave her a smile and shook her hand. "Ayesha." My gaze went back to Stephen. "Who even is she?" All I knew about her was Stephen, I didn't even know her name.

"Zaya. Her and Stephen have always been on and off. She's a model and mainly works down in New York City. You've probably seen her face plastered down in every magazine and billboard." That wasn't a shocker there. She was literally the most perfect person I have ever seen.

"On and off?" I questioned.

"Yeah, they're always getting into fights and arguments. And when we all think it's over for good, they are back to sucking on each other's lips again."

"I just can't believe that Steph has never told me about her." Steph looked over at me and we made eye contact for a few seconds before scanning my body. I quickly looked away. He still had this power over me, it was unexplainable. "Do you want to go get a drink?"

She nodded her head and I followed her to the bar where Stephen was not at. I got the strongest thing they had, because I just wanted to forget everything.

A while later Draymond called over Sav to dance with him, leaving me alone at the bar. I was a couple drinks in, and I wasn't wasted, but I definitely wasn't at the state to drive.  And soon a presence came and sat next to me, making me let out a huge groan. "What do you want?" I sassed, without looking at him.

"Someone has an attitude," he murmured. I'm sure he thought I didn't hear him. "What? I can't sit down and get a drink?"

I rolled my eyes, finally looking at him. "Your drink is full." I eyed his cup making him groan in annoyance. "Wait, unless it's for your little model. Zaya, is it?" He looked at me as if he sorry in his eyes, but I wasn't down for anybody feeling petty for me. "Stephen, just go."


It's safe to say at this point pretty much everybody was wasted, or getting there. Drinks after drinks were coming, and everybody was turning it up on the dance floor. And I was living my best life.

We were all trying to catch a break taking a seat, and ordering more drinks. "Guys, I have the best idea," Nellie said, taking a seat on Nick's lap. She had our attention now. "It's summer, you guys just won the championship. How about a trip?!" She was beyond hyped.

"I think that's a great idea," Nick said. Okay I know we weren't all at our best minds right now, but I still had some logic.

"I like the sound of that," Dray said, Sav agreeing with him. Are they serious??

"Where to?" Oh god, not you to Klay.

"Bora Bora." I looked over at Stephen, who was already looking at me. Him and I have had several conversations about how I've always wanted to go, and how it was my dream trip. He definitely knew what he was doing.

"Who's in?" Nellie asked. Everyone's hands started to pop up, except for mine. All eyes were on me. "Come onnn," she whined looking at me. Everyone started trying to convince me, until Zaya spoke up.

"I mean, I guess it's understandable. She's be the only one alone," she whispered to herself. But let me tell you, a deaf person would've heard it.

I gave her a dirty look before raising my hand. "I'm in." Everyone started to get hype and I glanced at Zaya. "All over billboards and magazines my ass. Never have even seen you once," I mumbled.

Sorry for the long time no update :|
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