Chapter 7

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Stephens POV

Game 4 was over, and I played like shit. The game was ugly from the start and it never got any better. We came to Cleveland and took two L's.

Our plane finally landed back in the Bay, relieving me from having to talk to anyone. I wasted no time getting in my car and heading back home. I stopped to get some food so I didn't have to worry about it later.

After finally getting back home I took a long hot shower and got into some comfortable clothes. I sat on my couch pondering over things, and that's when Ayesha came to my mind.

Ever since we lost our last game I haven't wanted to interact with anyone, but for some reason, it was different with her. I wanted her presence even if we were still getting to know each other.

I grabbed my phone and debated on it I should call her. Would she think it's weird I wanted to see her right away? The questions in my mind kept piling up. Screw it, right?

My phone started to ring and I was becoming anxious. I was about to just hang up, but then she answered.

"Steph, hey!" Her voice immediately soothed my head and it made me feel more relaxed. I didn't even notice the smile forming on my face.

"Hey Ish, wanna come over?" I didn't even realize the words coming out of my mouth. Now she probably thought I was really weird.

"Straight to the point, huh?" She giggled through the other line.

"What do you say?" Please just come over, I thought to myself.

"Do you realize the time silly?" She chuckled. I moved my phone from my ear and read the time. 11:37. Shit, I thought it was earlier than that. "But if you want, I can still come over?"

"Please do." And with that we said our goodbyes and I quickly picked up my house. Like I said, she was special.

A little while later there were a few light knocks on the door and a smile grew on my face. I opened it up to reveal a flawless Ayesha.

"Sorry, I don't look the most presentable. I honestly just got out of bed and headed over here," she sighed, looking down at herself. I took her hand and lead her into the house.

"You look perfectly fine to me." I saw her slightly blush and I directed us into the theatre room. I plopped on to one of the sofas and she hesitantly took a seat next to me, leaving some distance.

"I see it's a lazy type of day," she spoke, sinking deeper into the couch. I mumbled a yes while I searched for a movie to watch. "Oh, by the way, good job back in Cleveland. You played really good!"

"You don't have to say that. I could've played much better. Nothing was going for me," I sighed. I saw her eyes on me so I looked over at her. She had her brows raised.

"But I'm not just saying that. And don't dwell on it either, Steph. You've got this, you just have to believe it." After a few seconds of staring into each other eyes I smiled. "What?"

"So you watched me?" She couldn't help but also smile, and I swore I saw some redness in her cheeks. She directed her attention back to the big screen in front of us.

"Just pick a movie already," she giggled. After some debating and a little bit of arguing (not the serious kind) we finally decided on a comedy, that contained a little romance.

A few minutes into the movie I placed my hand on top of hers, anxious for her reaction. Quickly, she interlaced our fingers together and I had to do my best to hide the smile on my face.

As the movie went on I began to grow tired. Yawning, I looked down at Ayesha who slept on my shoulder. She was such the perfect person. Doing my best not to wake her up, I got a blanket and placed it over the top of us, closing my eyes.

Ayeshas POV

My eyes fluttered open, and were first met with a blurred sight. Once I started to gain focus I mentally groaned. "Shit." I finally looked up from the chest I was sleeping on, and there Stephen slept, peaceful as ever.

I grabbed my phone which was laying next to me. Ten in the freaking morning?! I had several notifications from Nellie, and of course my mom. She made sure to check up on me everyday. I needed to get up, but do I wake Steph? Damn, I should've prepared for this.

As I started to nudge away from his grip, he began to stir from his sleep. Soon enough his eyes were the ones that were fluttering. "Good morning," I said at a light tone.

He gave a light smile and rubbed his eyes. I'd be lying if I said he didn't look hella sexy right now. "Morning," he rasped, stretching his arms. "Sleep comfortably?"

I bit my lip smiling, and nodded my head. "Very." I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized I've been staring, admiring his features for too long. "I should probably head out, though. Take on the day."

"Me too, even though I really, really, don't want to." I softy chuckled and got up from the sofa. "Here, let me walk you to the door."

Eventually getting to the door, we stopped in our tracks. "Thank you for last night, I definitely needed it," Steph smiled.

"Well thank you for picking me for your much needed night, and for also being the best pillow," I teased earning a chuckle from him.

"Of course." There was an awkward silence between the two of us. I stood there waiting for something, I'm just not sure for what. A kiss? Hug? Something? I gave him one last smile as I walked away. I started to open the door but was stopped when he called for me.

"Yes?" I asked, turning completely around towards him.

"I'm gonna see you at my next game, right?"

"You can count on it."
Hope you're liking it!!
Thanks for reading :))
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