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Barb's P.O.V

I was at Mark's house all day since he came to pick me up from school.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked him while he was bitting a chicken nugget.

"Because you are so pretty."

"Stop lieing!" I was wondering why he wasnt in school also.

"Aye how old are you anyway?"

"Im 19 i graduated last year from the same school as you." He winked. I thought to myself, What was i doing here? My motto is i dont have time for these lil boys and there games. I am Barb Micheal. Queen of my gang THEM BALLAS. What was i doing!?

"Oh thats nice" I answered while still in my thoughts. Why was i even here! I dont like this one bit but i got myself into this.

"Whats wrong?" He asked while me i was still in my thoughts.

"Oh nothing, im i think ima go home now, my aunt is problay worried sick."

"Um ok." We got up and headed for the car. I needed to have a serouis meeting with the Gang before i make any decesions.

"I love you." He said i as i got out.

"Uh yeah same here." I needed to get away from him.

I walked in my house and ran up stairs.

"Barb is that you?" Asked Aunt Lisa.

"Yeah its me". "

"Uh you know tomorrow is that Big Dance Acadamy."

Oh holy crap i totally forgot.

"Oh yeah i know."

"Ok yall need to practice."

"KK" I closed my door. How where we going to create a dance for tomorrow? And talk about whats been going on? I dont know but ima have to push my problems to the side for now.

I need to call my girls up so we can get started. I called Melesha first and she said she would be on her way in a few. Everybody eles beside Franksha didnt answer.

"Did yall hear from Franksha?" I asked everyone but no answer. Then i finally got a call from here. I put her on speaker.

"Aye where you at?" Everyone said at the same time.

"In Labor."

We all stared at each other, like we were all crazy.

"What are you talking about?"

"Im just kidding but i am at the Hostpital, i turns out that i am Pregaunt."

Our mouths dropped open at the shock. She didnt seem like that type of person that got pregaunt at an young age.

"Ok well we will leave you alone ok?"

"Yeah" We hung up. We just couldnt belive our ears. Why would she do that? And does Melvin even know?

 But enough with the questions, we need to create a dance. We decieded to dance to Chirs Browns Strip. Yeah that song may back not right for us to dance to but o well. WE HAVE TO GET STARTED!!!


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