Chapter 7

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Naruko finished her shower and got dressed in her usual gear, including her weapons. Christina and her decided to have coffee and just chat for awhile at the kitchen table. At around 7 o'clock, they decided to start breakfast. They made pancakes and bacon, Christina was watching over the food while Naruko went to go wake up the others.

She went into Neji;s room first, since he was the closest. Naruko picked up a pillow and smacked Neji in the face with it. He jolted up, much to Naruko's amusement and got up to take a shower. Then she went and knocked on her parent's room and yelled to them to wake up. Then she headed over to her son's room and opened his door.

She thought about putting a toad on his face like Jiraiya had done to her, but her little two-year old was too sweet. She would wit to use that trick until he was older and into his I-don't-want-to-get-up stage that everyone went through. She simply went over and tickled him awake. He woke up rather quickly because of that.

She picked up her son and brought him downstairs. She sat him down at the table where Neji already was, combing through his wet hair with his fingers. She noticed Christina looking at him, instead of the food she was supposed to be watching.

"Hey Christina?" Naruko asked.

"Yeah Naruko?" She asked, but didn't look away from Neji.

"He may be food to you, but I refuse to do what you do with him and I won't let Haku do it either." She said, a smirk coming onto her face.

This time Christina turned to her friend and glared. "Baka, you know we haven't done that!" She exclaimed as she hit her friend on the back of her head.

Neji just laughed at the scene unfolding in front of him. Haku tilted his head to the side, obviously confused about something. "You haven't done what?" He asked.

Christina smirked this time. "Well Naruko, he is your little chibi, it's your job to tell him about this stuff."

Naruko froze and her eyes widened. No way was her little Haku-kun ready for that yet! NO WAY IN HELL! "Uh, Haku-kun, don't worry about that." She said, hoping her son would just let it go. Of course he didn't.

"But kaa-san, I want to know. What is it?" He asked.

Naruko sighed. Damn her son's curiosity. She realized her plan had backfired very badly. She should have waited to wait Haku up. "You'll learn about it when you're older honey." She said.

"But, don't I learn about things most people learn when their older? Like, I started learning history a few days ago. So couldn't I learn this now too?" He asked.

"No honey, sorry, but this is something only adults should know. I'll tell you after you become a genin. Or if you find a girlfriend before that." She said.

Neji leaned over to whisper to Haku. "Trust me Haku, you don't want to know. The day she tells you will be the day you regret asking to know the most."

"Why?" Haku asked.

"Just trust your uncle Haku, I'm generally right." Neji said.

"Yeah, generally, there are times when you aren't. Like when you couldn't stop spouting out crap like how destiny and fate ruled over everything." Naruko said.

Neji sighed. "You're really never going to let my ignorance from when I was a child go, are you?" He asked.

"Well, technically, you're the age now as you were then." Naruko said.

"Okay, I'm gonna stop this before it gets out of hand. So here are your pancakes, please eat them before one of you determines that Haku gets to see his first real beating today." Christina said as she placed pancakes and bacon in front of all of them.

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