Chapter 14

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"Alright everybody, line up next to me and take a number from my assistant. Each number corresponds with a seat number. Whatever number you pull, find the seat that corresponds with it." Minato said. "Once everyone is seated, I will tell you about you first test."

Everyone moved and got in line, with Team 7 being the third group in line. Naruko stepped up and pulled a number out of the hat. 27 was the number printed on the card. She walked through the rows until she found her seat.

Naruko sat down and felt a familiar chakra signature behind her. She turned to see Obito sitting behind her. Then she remembered a conversation from earlier.

"Ne, Obito, I've got a plan." She said. She explained to him what she was planning and leaned back to see a devious smile on his face.

"Alright, I'm in. I gotta say, I never would have thought of that." Obito said.

"Well, I wish I could say I did, but it was Christina's idea." Naruko said. She smiled and turned back towards the front when she sensed a movement next to her.

She looked over and saw a boy sitting down next to her, with a card in his hand that had the number 28 on it. She smiled, a new person, she should introduce herself.

"Hello! I'm Naruko, Naruko Namikaze. It seems we'll be sitting next to each other during the test." Naruko said pleasantly.

"Hey there! I'm Nawaki, Senju Nawaki." He said.

Naruko froze at that. She was sitting next to none other than Tsunade's younger brother, the same one that wore the necklace she was wearing at that moment. She instinctively grabbed her necklace and clenched it.

"N-N-Nawaki?" She asked.

The boy sighed. "Yeah, I know I'm distant relatives with two of the Hokage's, I was hoping you might not recognize my name, since I hardly ever get called by my real name by the villagers."

Naruko laughed. "Naw, I was just surprised is all... I kind of have heard of you before, but you weren't described as the Hokage's relatives." She said.

The boy looked up, surprise clear on his face. "Really? Somebody spoke of me by name instead of my heritage?" He asked, to which Naruko nodded her head. "Who?" He asked.

Well, there was the tricky part. She obviously couldn't tell him it was Tsunade from the future speaking of her deceased, dear younger brother.

"Well, I can't remember the person's name, but I remember that she had blonde hair and big boobs." She said, trying to play it off.

When she had first described the person, Nawaki had thought it might be his sister, and he would have asked her why she was talking to someone about him, but she didn't exactly have big boobs. He didn't know who it was, most likely someone from another village.

"Wait, did you say your name was Naruko Namikaze? Weren't you one of those people that appeared out of nowhere and were found by that Obito Uchiha?" He asked.

"Yep! Me and my friends Christina and Neji, guess we're pretty famous here because of that." She said. 'Jeez... I remember when we were known as some of the strongest people in the village, and respected Anbu and for me, a Sannin, not just those kids who appeared out of nowhere and were found by an Uchiha. Well, we'll just have to prove ourselves again!' She thought.

"Alright everyone, settle down, I will be explaining your first exam now." Minato yelled, quieting down everyone in the room.

"Now, for the first exam, you will all be expected to chose one person from your team to go in these rooms. But I must tell you all, what is in these rooms is no child's play. Behind these doors, imminent death may await. There will be many obstacles to overcome inside this room. Once you have chosen this person and they have gone into these sound proof rooms, I will tell you the rest of the exam." Minato said.

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