Chapter 22

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Naruko and Obito stood across from each other, looking at each other, both tensed for battle. They waited to see who would make the first move, knowing they were both willing to make the initiative.

Naruko suddenly held her hands up into a cross seal. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" She called out. She made 5 clones and they all rushed towards Obito, the real Naruko slightly behind to prepare for the move, should it work.

Obito took out a kunai and stabbed the nearest clone. The other jumped above him and tried to rain down o him. He formed a few quick hand signs. "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" He called out, bursting out flames and burning the clones.

Naruko made some more hand signs herself. "Wind Style: Whirlwind!" She called out. A funnel of wind formed around her, spinning like a deadly tornado. She sent it flailing towards Obito.

Obito jumped back a bit, but the whirlwind kept coming. He kept jumping back and he suddenly felt the wall behind him. He looked back at it, his eyes widening, and when he looked back, the tornado was right in front of him.

It sucked him in and took him into the middle. He quickly figured out that senbon were inside of the tornado, and were giving him many shallow cuts across his body.

It dissipated after a minute, senbon harshly clattering to the ground. Obito put a hand on his arm, the one that had the most cuts on it. He had many cuts on his body, but no way in hell would he give up!

He activated his Sharingan in a flash and ran towards her. He used his position with his hand on his other arm to get ready for his attack.

As he ran, people all around the stadium started hearing crackling sounds. They were excited to see that it was coming from the boy's attack.

Minato's eyes widened. 'No way!' He thought.

Rin looked on in amazement. 'Where did he learn that?!' She thought.

Kakashi was stunned, both eyes over his mask were as wide as dinner plates.

Naruko was frozen she looked on excited yet afraid, but mostly, stunned. 'That's!' She thought.

"Chidori!" Obito yelled, lifting his hand high above his head as he jumped over Naruko.

Naruko pulled back her hand, and as only she could do so quickly, made a rasengan. "Rasengan!" She yelled, meeting Obito's attack with her own.

A large cloud of dust was kicked up from the attacks, blocking everyone's view of the stadium. They didn't hear anything coming from inside. They all waited, excited to see what the outcome was.

'Where did he learn my Chidori?' Kakashi thought, looking onto the fight.

The dust cloud soon cleared, and inside, you could see Obito and Naruko, standing about 30 meters away from each other.

Naruko created three clones. And Obito did as well. Kakashi looked at Naruko, his eyes widened again.

'That's Sage Mode!' He thought. 'Is she trying to kill Obito?! Well, then again, he did use Chidori on her. Plus, after that stunt they pulled, I'm considering killing them myself.'

Naruko started forming a Rasengan in her hand, her two clones adding the wind element to it. Obito formed another crackling Chidori in his hands, his two clones on his sides started adding a water element to it.

He swirled the water around his lightning Chidori, creating a ball of almost liquid lightning, something truly frightening to see. He hefted his hands up as his two clones dispelled. Naruko did the same.

Obito threw his attack.

"Water Style: Chidori ball!" He called out.

Naruko then threw her attack. "Wind Style: Rasenshuriken!" She yelled.

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