Chapter 10

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"Hey, you obviously know me. But I don't recognize you, ya see? Fool, ya fool!" He said.

Naruko's eyes narrowed. She had forgotten how annoying his rapping could be at times. "Ummmm... yeah.. I guess. Anyways, what are you Kumo nins doing here?" She asked.

"Well, don't you see, we're here to stop you, and hopefully kill the famous 'Yellow Flash of Konoha'." One of them said. Everyone looked towards him and the time travelers' jaws dropped. The Fourth Raikage. And he wants to fight the Fourth Hokage. Great. Just great.

"Bee, you take the kids, I'll handle The Flash." The Future Raikage said.

"I'll knock 'em all out! After all, they're just some sprouts!" Bee said. Naruko sighed, yep, she really forgot how bad the rapping could be.

"Yeah yeah yeah! Now come at me!" Naruko yelled as she ran towards Bee. She had missed fighting him, it had been awhile. She had always had fun, especially when they really tested each other in biju mode.

"Bring it on, fool ya fool!" Bee said as he shot out a tentacle to grab her.

Neji turned to his teammates "Well, we should probably just let Naruko fight Bee on her own. She can handle him. Besides, if he's going to be in biju mode the whole time, which is likely, we won't be able to do much." He said. The others nodded and they stayed where they were and watched the battle, just in case Naruko needed help.

Seeing that Bee had transformed his arm, she brought out her biju mode. What could be better to use to beat the eight tales other than the nine tails after all?

"BEE! This kid isn't normal! I'd recognize that chakra anywhere! That kid's the nine-tailed fox jinchurriki!" The eight tails said from inside Bee's head.

"What? Nine-tails? I thought that demon was sealed inside of a red-headed woman. This is just some blonde little girl!" Bee said, not rapping since he was confused and alarmed.

"I'm not sure Bee. I've seen that woman myself and she does have the nine-tails sealed inside of her. Or did at least. I felt it, there is no way that they could fake that type of chakra, But we met her just a year ago, demon still inside of her, yet here this kid is, with it in her. The demons are supposed to be sealed inside newborns, or else they kill the host. I don't understand what is happening, this kid is at least 13 and she has mastery over the Kyuubi! I've never seen anyone gain mastery over it, and there is no way that Kyuubi would give over control like I did for you." The eight tales said. Then, it snapped its head up. There was the nine tails, standing in front of him in Bee's mind scape as only the demons could do.

"Well well well. Didn't think I'd encounter you so soon Gyuki." Nine tails said.

"Soon? It's been ages Kurama. Would you mind explaining to me how that little human was able to beat you to take control of you?" Gyuki asked.

Kurama laughed. "Kit's no ordinary human Gyuki. Sure when she did it she had the help of one of my former jinchurriki, but she probably would have pulled it off somehow even without that woman. Kit's special, you would find out if you really talked to her. She's even made me like her, she's the only human I've ever let call me Kurama, or even find out that I had a name other than Kyuubi." Kurama said.

"Sheesh, why are you so close to her? You've never been anything but cold to the rest of us." Gyuki said.

"She's like my own kid Gyuki. Not sure how, but she always finds a way to worm herself into people's hearts, even mine." Kurama said.

"Well, she's seems pretty amazing. Even though I'm not actually fighting her. Oh, and by the way, how did you get in here? I mean, I've got Bee on my nose and he's just not talking. But where's your kid?" Gyuki asked.

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