I haven't even introdouched (6)

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Sha: alright these readers have no idea who you people even are SO INTRODUCTIONS

Moreass: do we have to?

Sha: yes just say your real name and something about you

Moreass: finnnnne, Morris here and I am your typical africcccken amerrrrrican

Trisha: Trisha is mah real name and it's ya boi ded memes here

Erbear: I am Erik and I am a manly dude with a cat named Callie

Julia: My name is Julia of course and I am Sha- Wait a minute can I say your real name?

Sha: Nah that's sum illegal shit

Julia: I am Sha's best friend I will have you know!!!!!!

Ls: Austin is my name and I have no clue why Sha Calls me Library-Senpai


Ls: fine 😒

Sm: hElLo I aM dAviD and she calls me Swagmuffin cause my last name is actually swagger believe it or not

Jenna: Yo I am Jenna and I am Julias twin sister even though we are totally different

Ali: and I am the twins older sister my name is technically Allison but I like Ali better *winks*

Sha: Anybody else? Oh and I am not counting the people from the first two chapters because they are anime character from Fairy tail

Lucy: Hey! That's not fair!!!!!!

Sha: shooooooosh whelp this was a boring one so cya squad Fm

*nekorb* :llaW htruoF

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