Chapter 19

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Frank POV

He was going to burst
Keeping a secret was hard
"Hey buddy, you alright" Leo asked
"I had another dream" Frank blurted
"Was it about" Leo started
"No, its not a continuation of the last dream" Frank assured Leo
"So then what is it" Leo asked
"It was about Hazel and someone from her past" Frank said
"The only person I know is Sammy" Leo said
"Exactly" Frank mumbled
"If you are thinking that she is going to choose him over you, I doubt that" Leo told him
"How can you be so sure" Frank asked
"Look, even though he is my grandfather, I know for a fact that you and Hazel are going to make it. Sammy was her past, you are her present and future" Leo said
"Thanks for the support Leo" Frank said
"No problem" Leo smiled

Hazel POV
It was a nightmare
When Sammy appeared, she knew she was toast
"Sammy" Hazel said
"Hi Hazel" Sammy greeted
"What are you doing here" Hazel tried to find the words
"I'm here because I really want you back, I know for a fact that Octavian can make us go back to our time and we can live happily ever after" Sammy told her
"I don't think, I love Frank, and I love my friends and the fact that you are accepting this offer from Octavian who almost killed me is just plain disgusting" Hazel said
"Then I guess I have no choice" Sammy smiled
He went and grabbed Blaine by the neck and put his sword near his neck
"What the heck are you doing" Hazel yelled
"The only thing to convince you is by putting your friend is danger" Sammy said
"Please let me go, please" Blaine said
"You be quiet" Sammy yelled at him
"Let him go" Percy said
"You know what, I've had enough, you can harm me but don't touch any of my friends" Hazel took out her sword
"Please just let me go, you're hurting me" Blaine was crying
"What did I tell you" Sammy placed the sword closer to Blaine
"You know what" Percy got ready to attack him
"One more and your friend dies"
"Just let me go!!!!" Blaine was practically almost sobbing
"Hey Sammy" Hazel yelled
"What is it" Sammy said
Hazel then stabbed him in the back and then he disappered
She then started crying
"Why me" she cried
She was also aware of Blaine crying and Percy hugging him
"You're going to be ok" Percy told him
Nico came up to her and hugged
"You're ok, we're ok" Nico told her

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