Chapter 15: I just Miss Him/Her

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Sorry for the wait on this chapter, my computer won't function at all so I have to steal my mom's computer now to write. This chapter is pretty exciting so I hope it makes up for the long wait! xx

My eyes flickered open and I sat up to see Eliza sitting on the couch with her mouth and eyes shut. Her hair was draped over her face but she didn't seem to be crying. She had blankets wrapped around her casually and she wasn't moving so I decided to try and get her attention. "Eliza? Are you....okay?" I said, taking my time. 

"Oh Haley. I didn't hear you get up. Yes, I'm fine" She said not moving a centimeter. 

"Okay, well I'll just get dressed and go to school for more exams then." I said, staring at her as I got up and slipped out of my tee shirt and shorts. I grabbed a pair of black jeans and a faded pink v-neck shirt. I grabbed my pea coat, too because it was suppose to rain sometime in the early evening. "Those exams are really killling me, I just want to stop thinking!" I tried to lighten the mood.

"Don't get too stressed out Hale! Just try your hardest, I'll stick with you no matter what" She said comfortingly but still wouldn't move. I grabbed my bookbag and left the room. I closed the door and had a weird face plastered on my face until I got to the bus stop. Something was bothering her, but she didn't say anything so I didn't ask.

When I got to school, the hallways were loud and noisy. I concealed my arm and refused to take off my jacket. Drama class was a thousand degrees but I kept my pea coat on the whole class. The exam wasn't hard, just perform a monologe you were suppose to memorize, easy. After drama class, I had to look forward to biology. I spent passing period slowly walking to my biology class, which was almost completely across the school campus. I arrived seconds before the bell rang and I walked over to an open seat in the back. Mark rushed in moments after I sat down and he sat behind me. 

We took the exam in peace ad quiet but I couldn't help but think about what I did to myself and what Niall was probably doing right now. Cells, compounds, boring, blah, whatever. This exam is dull and lifeless, it needs to be over all ready. I put down my pencil and stood up. I walked swiftly to the teachers desk and set the test in the pile of finished tests. We were free to leave so I returned to my desk and gathered my bookbag. I walked out of the classroom and to my locker. 36-12-29 and my locker was open. I emptied it now because I wasn't going to wait two days when we were required too, and everybody would be in the hall empting theirs next to me. 

I kept my head low and I walked to the nearest exit. I walked as fast as I could without running and I burst through the doors, only to be stopped motionless. I just stood staring at what was happening before my eyes. It was downpouring rain. I can't walk home in this. I'll be lucky to get to the bus stop down the street without being soaked head to toe. I just stood there in silence, contemplating my next decision. Before I could do anything I heard the soft voice I had grown so used to, speaking behind me. I didn't flinch, nor hesitate. I stood there, motionless, and kept quiet. 

"Need a lift?" he said smoothly. I remained lifeless, like a mannequin, and before I realized it, I was being carried to to his car, in his arms, and being set down on the passanger side seat. He ran over to the drivers side and threw open the door. He shuffled in and let out a heavy sigh. "It's really raining hard." he said simply. 

He looked over to me and I sat there staring at his dashboard. He tilted his head down and talked in the cute puppy dog voice he used to use when we were dating. "You're all wet, Hale." 

"I guess I am." I replied keeping my gaze with his glove box. 

"What's up, Haley? You seem so disconnected lately." 

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