Chapter 21: Up All Night

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I sat up and got out of bed, just like I did everyday before going to work, and started changing. I wore my split leg jeans and a loose tank top. It showed off plenty of cleavage but still looked classy. Sort of? It had buttons down the front but it didn't open, they were just there for decorations. I let it hang beyond the waistband of my jeans and slipped on my black converse. I grabbed Jake's jacket that he left here a few days ago and headed off to work. 

I detoured at Starbucks and ordred the usual. Cian's iced vanilla latte came first, then my skinny mocha and finally Jake's caffe americano. I didn't really like what Jake gets but I really liked Cian's choice. I still got my favorite but I'd always steal sips of Cian's drink. I walked into Broken Record with my tee shirt and nametag hanging over my elbow and the coffees in my hands. Cian took his and thanked me and I walked over to Jake to give him his. 

"Thanks, love. You do know what today is, right?" he purred  as he grabbed my waist and pulled me into a hug. I set my drink down and wrapped my arms around his thin waist. 

"Hmm, Saturday?" I said with a smirk. He set down his drink and kissed my forehead. 

"One month ago, I asked you to be my girlfriend. Remember?" he jokingly said as I tried to look like I was thinking.

"Oh, yeah I remember. I was thinking, after work, we could go do something?" 

"I was actually hoping you'd come to the Pit with me? I know a few guys and we were going to spray paint a little. I've seen your drawings in your notebook, you should definitely graffitti something!" 

"I'll come, but I don't think I'll graffitti anything. I'm not that good of an artist." I said while pulling away from him and tucking my tank top in. I slipped my work shirt and sipped from my coffee as Jake pleaded. 

"Oh come on, Haley! You're an amazing artist, it'd be so cool if you spary painted on the wall for everyone to see. Please?" he started to beg. 

"Okay! But I'm only doing a small piece, maybe the size of a piece of paper. I don't want that much recognition for putting graffitti on a subway wall!" I said as I pecked his lips and took my coffee over to the vinyls. I had officially become the vinyl girl. I'd stick around there, and occasionally wander to the CDs, and answer questions and convince people to buy some. Over the coarse of the month that I've worked here, I've memorized every vinyl that they sell. I know everything about all the vinyls and I can answer almost every question you ask about them.

"After my shift, we'll go. Kay, love?" Jake said from behind an island of old movies. I nodded and smiled at his cute little face and I couldn't help but think of Harry whenever I saw Jake's perfect smile. Harry's, nor Jake's, smile was perfect, but to me they were flawless. I went over everything I had to tell the boys on our skype call tomorrow, since I'm going to go vandalising with Jake. Eliza will call the boys and brief them about it when I send her a text later on. 

Hours later Jake's shift ended and I got up from the stool I was sitting on and chatting with a customer and talked her into buying three more CDs than she came here for. I'm a great negotiator. Jake took off his shirt and walked through a door I've never really noticed before. "Cian, what's through that door?" 

"Oh that? It's sort of like a locker room, I mean. Not really. It's got a mini fridge, a small couch, and 5 small little lockers. Two of the lockers have locks on them that we can't open and we just left them and Jake and I share one and Tyler and Rick share one while the last one was going to Sharron. She put her stuff in there but no lock and we haven't seen her in about a week. After Wednesday, she's going to get fired so Jake was thinking of snatching it for you before Karen or Shane get to it."

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