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I've always craved the company of another. A confidante. A comrade. A lifelong buddy. That one person who I could call, a friend.

Thinking about it, why am I not like any other girls in my age. Unlike me, they got to spend their time on sleepovers, shopping spree and fawning over hot jocks in school.

I, in comparison, have never even slept on anyone's bed, not even on my brothers'. Shopping? I'm never allowed to go to malls nor in any public institutions for that matter. School? Not a chance. I'm technically homeschooled my entire life. Treading on another woman's shoes, I'm different, peculiar to say the least. Why do I have no friends? Much less any visitors? How can my brothers get to exploit these treats of their social life while mine is practically non-existent?

So imagine my shock when someone, other than family, visited in my room. Scratch that. A russian big boss broke into my room. Coming in unannounced and sneaking on me must be a favorite past time of his. Not only that. He also has a habit of kissing me.

He kissed me albeit not on the lips, but still, it counts as a kiss. For Twice now.

I don't know what's his aim is but his feathery kisses has done nothing but to cause shudders rack through my brain in fright, rendering me speechless.

And now, I would never have thought that I would be in such an unsightly position like this with him, again.

Both of my small dainty hands were rigidly wrapped around his thick neck, with my pale complexion a stark contrast with his tanned skin. Warmth from the back of his neck spreads heat on my opened palms, causing sweat coming out of my pores. We were only millimeters apart, inhaling the same air, with our breaths fanning heatedly over our faces.

I couldn't help but to tremble in fear in my current predicament. Blood was furiously pounding in my ears, disabling my hearing. My heart frantically hammered in my ribcage, almost forcing its way out of my chest.

I was viciously screaming in my head for him to stop but only a gasp managed to escape from my lips.

Will he possibly... sexually assault me?

My breath caught in my throat. I'm sure my whole body was visibly shaking by now. He couldn't... right? Wait... could he?

It was as if my prayers were mentally answered when a sound of a sudden twist of the doorknob echoed through the expanse of my room.

Alessandro's demeanor suddenly changes, seething in anger due to the obvious interruption.

"Anna?" came a muffled voice from the other side of the locked door "Are you there, Anna?" while trying to twist the steel knob once again. Even though I couldn't turn my face towards the door, my body elated with with happiness with the sound of a voice I've recognized by heart.

Lucio! Thank goodness he's here! A sense of relief flooded through me, effectively calming my once tensed form. I heaved a deep sigh and mentally prepared myself to scream on top of my lungs. Hopefully, he'll barge in and beat this--- this sinister man to a pulp.

"Hel----" Next thing I know, a calloused palm found its way on my mouth, directly shutting me up. His large hand was so big that it almost covered half of my face, including my nose, making it extremely difficult for air to pass through and enter my nostrils.

"Lemm..hmm..gmm! yerm.. smcatoomm.. hmm.." [Let me go! Your suffocating me!] I desperately slapped his face with my left hand, while the other took a hold of his palm, pulling it vigorously with what little strength I could muster due to the lack of oxygen.

Alessandro's Obsession (18+)Where stories live. Discover now