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"Nicholas, how *hiccups* ma~ny did I dr~rink ?", Simon asked drunkly to his brother

"I think 10 Simon, you really need to stop drinking, I'll take you back to your room", Nicholas said "Also you David." 

David stood up stumbling, he got out of the room with Nicholas and Simon, bot men were really drunk except for Nicholas, he was sober. But Nicholas didn't know that he put the two boys in one room, he helped David and Simon on the the bed and left them alone,


~ Morning ~

David Walliams

I woke up all panicking and panting, I rubbed my sleepy eyes and I just noticed there was a man on my bed, I take the pillow off his head and it was Simon, I was shocked, I quickly look underneath my blanket and I was fucking naked.

"Oh shit", I muttered, quickly getting my boxers and wear it, running quickly to the bathroom and locked the door behind me, I closed my eyes and groaned. I turn on the facet and washed my face and I just remembered what happened last night well not all of it I just remembered drinking with Nicholas, Simon and everyone.I quickly went out of the bathroom and jump right onto the bed and shake Simon until he wakes up and to my surprise he was awake.

"What do you want ?", Simon groaned 

"Dumbass !!!!, What happened last night ?!", I asked, he seated himself properly and everything was silent

"You didn't remember anything just one bit ?", I asked, he shook his head "no"

"Wait, did we ?", He asked, I nodded, he quickly look under and he was shock, he quickly grabbed his phone and looked at the time, 10:20 am, he said.

We then heard a knock from a door, I quickly jumped out of the bed and threw all of Simon's clothes to his face, I told him to run to the bathroom to get change, well, he kind of run but he stumble a bit making him almost fell, I chuckled while on the other hand he glared at me and gave me a middle finger, I gave him one also. He continued walking to the bathroom while I quickly grabbed my shirt and wear it well with no pants just boxers.

I went over to door and opened it and it was Nicholas. He told me I look like a shit, well I sarcastically thanked him. We just laugh it off and we both seated on the bed.

"Nicholas, what the heck happened last night ?!", I asked

"Well, what happened nick ?", Simon asked, we both looked at him, then I look back to Nicholas

"Well, you two were drunk and it was getting late and it's going to be my wedding tomorrow which my wedding is today so I accidentally put you two in a one room and that's all I gotta say for you two, but what happened by the way ?", Nicholas said, Simon and I look at each other.

"One night stand", we both said in unison, Nicholas was more of a jaw drop

"But you know what ?", I said, they both look at me

"Let's forget what happened and never talk about it to anyone", I said

"Alright, that's fine with me", Simon said

"And guys, I think you should all get ready because the wedding starts at 11:30 am and It's already 10:25 am and we only have 1 hour and 5 minutes so move your ass and I'll meet you guys in my room", Nicholas said whilst leaving us two alone

"I'll meet you later then", Simon said whilst leaving the room

"Alright, I'll see you later", I said, I quickly grabbed my phone and called Alesha, she picked up thank goodness

Alesha: Hello David.

David: Alesha !!! I had a one night stand with Simon !!! Oh my god I was fucking shock when I woke up, I just got back with Jack. Oh my god !!!!!!! 

Alesha: What ?! Did you just had sex with Simon ? Oh my god David so how was it ?

David: Alesha is not funny, I'm felt like shit.

Alesha: Look I'm trying to make laugh, well it didn't work anyway, hey David don't feel bad, I'll talk to you after wedding but for now you need to suit up for the wedding. 

David: Alright, 'lesha, well tell Amanda about it but keep it a secret please, I just got back with Jack yesterday.

Alesha: Oh come on!! David ! WTF ? WHY ? Look I'll talk to you later

David: Okay, see you later.

Alesha: okay loves, see ya.


~ Wedding Day ~

Simon Cowell

"Ready Nick ?", I asked, he nervously nodded

"Hey, I know this is your first wedding, don't be nervous", I said patting his head

"Thanks for being there when I need you Simon", Nicholas said, I smiled 

"Even when you're annoying, I'll be there for you, that's what brothers do, being there for each other, we were in position. Until we noticed the church's door were opened and I see Katie walking down the aisle, I just remembered my first wedding, I look over to David, whom was looking at me.


To be continued... 

soooo, hope you like this one and #Damon is fucking real and please let me know if  you like the story  byeeee

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