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"I'm done," Jungkook groaned, leaning down and dropping his forehead onto the table, "I'm not doing any more coursework for the rest of my life!"

Jimin closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. He was getting a headache, most likely from lack of sleep and staring for so long at the screen of his laptop.

"I'm tired," He muttered, and Jungkook lifted his head and peered at his friend with concern.

"You still getting the nightmares, Jimin?" He asked.

Jimin sighed and nodded, still pinching his nose hoping for some sort of relief from the ever increasing pain.

"Tell me about it?" Jungkook inched a little closer, reaching out to pat Jimin on the shoulder. He wasn't sure how to comfort him, but he tried anyway.

Jimin just shook his head and moved his fingers from his nose to run through his dark hair. He was so tired but he could get no relief with sleep, especially if he told anyone what happens in his dreams. It was like telling someone made it more real, and it was real enough; he didn't want to make anymore horrific things happen in his dreams.

"How about a drink?" Jungkook suggested suddenly, "Why don't we go out and have some fun? Taehyungs having that party, we should go,"

With a grimace, Jimin spoke, "I'm not sure, Kook. I have a headache. I'm really tired,"

"But you don't want to sleep," Jungkook said, "Come on, maybe you can get drunk and it'll help you sleep with no bad dreams,"

"Okay fine," He gave in and stood up, "Let me get changed and we can go. You call Joon, maybe he will come, too,"

Jungkook grinned and nodded, "Yes! Okay, Let's go!"


Jimin didn't know the girls name. He just knew she had dark hair and was very drunk, not unlike himself. She'd been vying for his attention pretty much since they got into the house, and once he had had enough to drink, he gave her the attention she wanted.

Once they were done, he was glad to see that she was the first on her feet to get dressed. He didn't want any awkward conversations or her asking for a relationship, so once she had left the room, he also got to his feet, only staggering a little, as he pulled his jeans up his thighs (he didn't even bother taking them off)

"Finished making a mess in my bedroom?" Taehyung asked as he came out of the room. Jimin grunted, looking at the door behind him.

"Didn't know it was your room. Sorry,"

Taehyung laughed, "It's fine, as long as there aren't any wet patches when I go in later,"

"That's gross," Jimin slurred, already heading down the stairs to find his friends and another drink.

"Well it'll be your liquids on the bed, not mine," Taehyung said, following him down, "I didn't even think you were into her. Are you that drunk?"

He shrugged, "Guess so. 'M tired. You seen Kook?"

"Going already?"

Jimin ignored his friend and pushed through the pulsating group of people and towards the kitchen where he thought that maybe he could find his friend.

The kitchen had a lot less people than the other areas of the house, with only two people at the sink getting glasses of water. Jungkook wasn't there, but there was someone just outside the frosted glass door that led to the garden.

The shape looked oddly familiar to Jimin. Maybe the body of a woman? She was extremely thin, though, with some kind of flowy skirt, but with the combination of the frosted glass and the darkness of the garden, he could only see a shape.

He frowned, staring at it a little longer, trying to figure out who it could be. There was something about the figure that made his heart race from the familiarity, and something else. Fear? He wasn't sure. The longer he looked, the fuzzier the silhouette became; blurring around the edges and becoming darker in the centre.

He began to feel dread; there was something very wrong with whoever was standing outside the door. He felt drawn to the person, as well as repulsed. He had to go to her and help her. He had to run away and hide.

"Jimin!" Jimin jumped, turning his head to face the direction of the voice, "I've been looking for you! Where were you?"

"He was with a girl in my bedroom," Taehyng answered Jungkooks question, "He's so fucked Kook, maybe you should take him home,"

"Yeah, I think I've had too much, as well," Jungkook laughed, "But I didn't get laid like he did,"

Jimin shook his head a little trying to clear the fog that was building. He really had drunk too much.

"Jimin? You alright Bro?"

Jimin looked at Jungkook, and then back at the door. The figure was gone.

"Yeah," He said, realising that the room was spinning, "Maybe we should go home,"

"Come on, I'll call a cab," Jungkook said, throwing an arm around his shoulders and pulling him to the front of the house. It was all Jimin could do to stay on his feet and not fall face first to the floor.

However, he couldn't help look back over his shoulder at the glass door that led to Taehyungs garden. The figure wasn't there anymore, but he felt like she hadn't gone far.

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