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"It got worse," Jimin mumbled as the two men watched him, "Like I said it would,"

"Worse how?" Jin asked, "Were you trying to use relaxation techniques?"

"I tried. It didn't work," Jimin took a deep breath, "Nothing works,"

"Do you mind if I cut in?" Yoongi said, "What do you mean it got worse? Elaborate,"

"The dreams got worse," Jimin answered, "Every time I talk about what happens in my dreams, they change and get worse,"

"And this only happens when you tell people what happens in your dream?"

Jimin nodded his head. He knew what was coming next; the doctors were going to insist that he told them his dream. But he couldn't do it. He was too worried that it was going to start happening no matter when he slept.

"When was the last time you slept at night time, Mr Park?" Jin asked, "You're looking a lot more tired than you did before,"

"He's not sleeping at night, right?" Both Jin looked over at Yoongi; Jin with annoyance, and Jimin with mild surprise.

Jimin nodded and Yoongi hummed, "Is anything strange happening to you while you are awake, Jimin? Any... Hallucinations or things changing when you know you didn't do it?"

Jimin nodded.

"Tell me about what you see," He said and Jimin supposed that there was no harm in telling him about the woman he had seen while he was awake.

Surprisingly, Jin sat with his pen poised, ready to write down everything that Jimin was about to say.

"I've seen the silhouette of a woman," He said quietly, "She's thin and has a skirt that reaches her shins. She has long hair. But that's all I know. I've seen her twice and both times she was on the other side of a frosted glass door,"

"Do you recognise her?" Yoongi pressed, "Is she the one from your dreams?"

Jimin froze for a moment, realization hitting him like a truck. His stomach twisted into a huge knot and he felt his blood run cold.

He nodded, "I think so,"

Jin kept writing and Yoongi frowned, "Has she ever spoken to you?"

Jimin shook his head. Then he nodded as he remembered the night after his last session.


"What did she say?"

"She said," He took a deep breath as the memory of her guttural voice sent shivers up his spine, "Such a pretty little thing,"

Yoongis lips were set in a tight, straight line and he frowned. The room was quiet for a moment, and Yoongi spoke again.

"Has she ever touched you? Skin to skin? And have you seen what her face looks like?"

Jimin shook his head. She had dragged his cover from him, and she had her face right in his, but he never opened his eyes.

Yoongi pursed his lips and nodded, waving at Jin for him to continue. Jimin was a little unnerved by his lack of explanation, but his attention snapped back to his other doctor when he started speaking.

"I think your hallucinations are from your lack of sleep, Mr Park. Your mind is so confused form overworking that it is mixing up your unconscious and conscious state. You need to rest,"

"I agree that he needs to rest," Yoongi said, "I do not believe he is confused,"

Jin shot him a look, "With all due respect, Dr Min, you have no idea what you are talking about,"

"Is that so, Dr Kim?" Yoongi gave a small smile, "I think this time, the situation is not what you think it is. Would you allow me to ask him a few more questions when you are finished?"

Jin narrowed his eyes but let out a deep breath and nodded, "Fine. Let me finish then,"

He turned back to Jimin, who was just feeling a little awkward in his seat.

"Are you willing to tell me what happens in your dreams?" He asked, "What has changed? Tell me what makes it so terrifying that you don't want to sleep," 

"It's terrifying because it's real," Jimin said quietly, "It's not a night terror anymore, it's gone beyond that. And it's changed and is getting worse because things that are happening in my dream are happening in real life. The scratch marks and the window... I didn't do either of them!"

"Tell me about your bedroom," Yoongi said suddenly, "How is it laid out? Where do you sleep?"

"It's a huge room," Jimin answered, "The whole house is huge. It's super old, and the floorboards are the original flooring. My bed has the headboard up against the wall. The door is to the left and the window and my desk are to the right,"

"Any other furniture?" 

"A wardrobe opposite the bed,"

"Were they already there or do they belong to you?"

"Already there,"

Yoongi nodded, "Right. I know what's happening, but I need to do some more research,"

He stood up, "I will drive you home," He said, and Jin jumped to his feet angrily.

"Hang on, you can't just dismiss my patient so easily! The session isn't finished!"

"What are you suggesting then, Dr Kim?" Yoongi said a little impatiently, "Tell him so I can get him home to rest,"

Jin faltered a little, before turning to face Jimin, "I want you to actually do your relaxation techniques. Maybe try some yoga. You need to get your brain to calm down,"

"Okay," Jimin said numbly, "Thank you,"

"I'll see you next week,"

Jimin nodded and felt himself being bundled out of the room by the other doctor.

"I'll drive you," He said, "We need to talk,"

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