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Namjoon bundled Jungkook and Jimin into his car and waited outside as he made a call to his friend.

Once he was done, he climbed behind the wheel and peered at Jungkook, who was cuddled up to Jimin in the backseat. They were both wearing their seatbelts, so he quickly pulled out of the space and began the drive to his destination.

"Where are we going?" Jimin asked quietly, his voice almost as dull as he felt. His eyes were sore and heavy, and his body desperately wanted him to close them, but his mind wouldn't let him. He was in a moving car, and both of his friends were awake, but he just couldn't let himself sleep.

"I called Yoongi," Namjoon said, "I think we need to go and talk to him,"

Jimin took a deep breath. He had followed Yoongi's advice but he felt as if he had actually made the situation worse. Whatever it was that was in his dream was now angry, and the words that it had said made him feel like he was going to be sick.

No, he was going to be sick.

"Namjoon," His voice was deep as the feeling travelled up from his stomach, "Pull over,"

Namjoon glanced back at him, and obviously saw that Jimin wasn't looking so good, so quickly pulled the car to the side of the road.

Unclicking his seatbelt, Jimin threw the door open and staggered out across the grassy area that Namjoon had stopped at.

He bent at the waist as his stomach heaved, pushing up the small amount of food that he had eaten that day. He felt a hand on his back, but couldn't turn to look, as he was too busy bringing up what felt like his actual stomach. The tears in his eyes blurred his vision, and once he had finished, he had the awful sour taste of vomit in his mouth that made him want to throw up again. His stomach tried a few more times, but nothing came up, and he ended up gasping for air and holding his stomach, trying to ease the pain.

"This is fucked up," He heard Jungkook speak and was helped upright by his friend. Namjoon shoved a tissue in his face and he wiped his mouth before spitting the excess, disgusting saliva onto the floor.

"Namjoon he's this exhausted and terrified that he's even throwing up this violently. Shouldn't we take him to a hospital or something?"

"Yoongi can help," Namjoon insisted.

Through the messed up haze of Jimin's mind, he could hear his friends talking, and felt himself being led back to the car, but couldn't really understand them.

He was so tired.

"Thirsty," He muttered as he strapped himself back into the seat.

"Sorry buddy," Namjoon rumbled from the driver's seat, "You'll have to wait until we get to Yoongi's. I don't have anything,"

Jimin finally allowed himself to close his eyes when he felt Jungkooks strong grip on his shoulder, silently supporting him.

Maybe he could try and doze just a few minutes. Jungkook and Namjoon were both here, he should be safe, right?

"Jimin, wake up, we're here," 

Jimin groaned as he felt someone shaking his shoulder. He must have only closed his eyes a few moments ago and was already having to fight his way out of the sleep he so desperately needed.

With a soft sigh, he climbed out of the car, only to see that he was stood outside his university.

"Why are we here?" He muttered, "I thought we were going to see Dr Min,"

"We are," Namjoon said, locking the car and starting to walk, "He's going to meet us in his office,"

Jimin numbly followed his friend up the concrete stairs that led to the main entrance of the school. Surprisingly, it was open, so he just let his feet take him the direction that Namjoon wanted them to go in. Jungkook was behind him, catching him every time he stumbled, and if it wasn't for him, he might have just fallen to the floor and then stayed there.

"I'm too tired for this," He mumbled, rubbing his eyes and then dragging his fingers through his knotty, mussed hair, "I don't want to do this,"

"You probably don't want to do anything right now, Jimin," Namjoon said, "You're so tired you probably haven't even realised that we've been standing outside his office door for a minute or so already,"

Jimin blinked his eyes when he saw that Namjoon was right. His feet weren't moving anymore. He was just stood with his two friends outside a large, dark brown door with a little golden plaque that read, "Dr Min Yoongi PhD".

Namjoon knocked, and a moment later, the door swung open, revealing a man that looked a little different to the one Jimin had met previously.

He was wearing a pair of tight jeans, ripped at the knee, with a dark green and white striped jumper. His black hair was messy and looked slightly curly, and he had a pair of black, thick-rimmed glasses perched on his nose.

"You're here," He said, stepping to the side, "Good, come in,"

The trio entered his office, and Jimin was surprised to see that it was quite large, with bookcases filled to almost breaking point with heavy books, written in a variety of languages. The huge desk had a desktop computer and was piled high with papers and books. He had a sofa up against the wall, and two more chairs at the desk, and each and every surface was covered with books and papers.

"Ah, here, just a sec," He quickly went around the room, gathering the books and dumping them (carefully) onto the floor next to the sofa, "Sit down- No, Jimin, you sit here," He gestured to one of the chairs in front of his desk. Jimin sat down slowly and Jungkook sat next to him. Namjoon stood quietly behind them and Yoongi leaned back against his desk, hands resting either side of his hips as he looked at them.

"Tell me what happened," 

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