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"I found him in his wardrobe," Jungkook answered somberly, "We were watching a film and we promised that we'd keep an eye on him while he napped, but we fell asleep, and we woke up because of a loud crash,"

Yoongi nodded, his eyes never leaving Jungkook as he spoke.

"We ran up and I saw that everything from his desk was lying on the floor across the room. He wasn't in his bed so we started to look for him. I found him in his wardrobe,"

"I see. Good," He turned to Namjoon, "And then?"

"He was freaking out," Namjoons voice was deep as if he were trying to control his emotions, "He wouldn't calm down. We finally got him calm and took him downstairs to give him some coffee," He took a deep breath, "He said there was a woman outside our back door, but when we looked, no one was there. Then we heard a bang coming from his room and when we went up, his desk was knocked over, and..." He trailed off and gently placed one of his hands on Jimin's shoulder.

"There were deep scratch marks on the outside of the wardrobe," Jungkook finished, "So we booked it out of there and here we are,"

"Jimin is so exhausted that he even threw up on the way here, Yoongi," Namjoon said, "I didn't believe him before, not completely, but now I do. There's something in our house, and it's after him,"

Yoongi nodded, "Alright. Jimin. Tell me everything,"

Jimin kept his eyes on his hands, trying so hard to keep them in focus. He felt that he could just pass out at any moment. After a brief pause, Namjoon let go of him and he heard his footsteps move away from him. Shortly after, he returned and held a glass of water under his nose.

Gratefully accepting the glass, Jimin took a big swig of the cool, refreshing water, and finally began to answer Yoongi.

"I woke up in my room," He started, "It was cold because the window was open. I remembered what you said, and I put the mask on and closed the window. I went to lock the door, but the knocking started before I could get there. It was different this time; really fast and loud. Angry,"

Yoongi nodded, "That's different to usual. Continue,"

"The scratch came next and then the door began to open so I got into the wardrobe just like you said,"

"And then?"

Jimin had to take a deep shuddering breath to try and stop his heart from picking up the pace just from the memories. 

"I heard it drag its nails down the wardrobe door. The footsteps and breathing. It circled around my bed. I didn't make a sound. It didn't know where I was,"

"That's good," Yoongi said, "What happened next? Did it get angry? Did it speak or look for you?"

"It growled," Jimin could still hear the sound in his head; deep and angry, more like an animal than anything he could imagine coming from a human. He took another deep breath, "It called out for me. It called me 'Pretty Little Thing'. It said it would find me," He looked up at Yoongi, tears pooling in his eyes just from the terror of remembering the awful blood-curdling voice, "It said 'You are mine',"

The room was silent for a moment. Jimin knew that Jungkook and Namjoon were staring at him in horror, but he couldn't look away from the Doctor sitting perched on the desk in front of him.

"Jimin," He said, folding his arms and crossing his legs, "Have you ever messed about with a Ouija board?"

Jimin frowned. He had heard of Ouija boards, but had never actually played with one. In fact, he had never even seen one. He shook his head.

"How about a seance?" Yoongi asked next, "Ever attended a seance? Or tried to contact the dead in any way?"

Jimin shook his head again. Jungkook opened his mouth to speak, but Yoongi lifted his hand, hushing him.

"Ever played one of those stupid games that are so popular right now? You know the ones like one man hide and seek, or the King game? Bloody Mary, the Elevator game?" Jimin shook his head, "No? What about Dry Bones?"

Jimin shook his head again, "I've never even heard of those,"

Yoongi hummed and sat back against his desk, "I see. You're one hundred percent sure you've never touched a Ouija board or played Dry Bones?"

"I'm sure," Jimin's voice was barely above a whisper. The more that Yoongi spoke, the more afraid he became.

"What's going on, Yoongi?" Namjoon asked, taking a step closer to his friend, "What are you getting at,"

Yoongi took a deep breath and stared directly into Jimin's eyes when he spoke.

"I think you may have a Demon after you, Jimin,"



Big fat PSA....



You may not think it's real, and it may not be, but that doesn't mean it's worth the risk!

The stories must have come from somewhere, don't you think?

I can't tell you what to do but please don't put yourself at risk playing stupid games, okay? :)

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