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Jimin could hear a voice. He couldn't open his eyes or move a muscle, but there was a voice, quiet and insistent, pushing through the pitch black darkness he was trapped in.

He couldn't make out the words, but somehow he could recognise them. They sounded familiar.

Open your eyes.

He couldn't even whimper, he was wrapped up so tightly in the darkness.

You need to hear. Open your eyes. Take control.

It was the voice of Dr Min, he knew it. He struggled, desperately trying just to move even a single finger, but nothing was happening.

He heard laughter, and the darkness around him almost pulsed with contempt mixed with an evil joy.

Don't let it do this.

Wake up.

Open your eyes.

Wake up!

Jimin let out a silent scream, his muscles feeling as if they were on fire as he tried so hard to open his eyes and move his limbs.




Jimin finally managed to snap his eyes open. Everything was wrong. He was in his bedroom at his home, and he could see people around his room. Yoongi seemed to be talking to him, but his face was distorted and dark as if he was looking at him through water at night. It was like he was talking in a foreign language. There was someone next to him, but he couldn't work out who it was. Across the room, he could see Jungkook and Namjoon; they seemed to be searching through his belongings for something.

He narrowed his eyes when he saw something in the corner of the room. It seemed to be some sort of dark light permeating through the floorboards.

He tried to turn his head to get a closer look, but he couldn't move his body. He tried to call out to his friends, but nothing came out of his mouth. He was looking out through his eyes, but he wasn't in control.


"If we don't hurry up, we're going to be too late," Hoseok hissed at Yoongi, "But I can't see anything in here that could be from a Batibat's tree,"

"The bed?" Namjoon asked, "That's where Jimin was every time it happened,"

Jimin laughed, the sound deep and twisted, "Au tak akan jumpanya,"

Yoongi whirled to face him, "Enough! Tell us where it is!"

"You won't ever find it. He is mine,"

"The wardrobe?" Jungkook was sounding panicked, "It's either the bed or the wardrobe, right?"

Yoongi glared at the grinning Jimin, "Tell us where it is!"

"You are running out of time," Jimin's twisted voice spoke, "He is mine,"


Jimin could barely see out of his own eyes. Everything looked wrong, as if he were looking through a dark stained glass window.

The words that were coming at him were foreign and distorted, but he could tell that they were looking for something in his bedroom. 

He tried to push past the fogginess in his mind, trying to reach back and remember what they needed. He tried to ask them what they wanted but he still could say nothing.

He couldn't even whimper or call for help as he began to panic, realising that even though he had opened his eyes, he was completely paralysed. He was trapped in the darkness, looking out of his own eyes but not in control of his body. Unable to even fight to take back control.

He could see his friends, unaware of his struggles, continue to look for whatever it was they needed.


"Yoongi!" Hoseok gasped, gripping the Doctors arm, "Look!" He gestured at Jimin's face, and when he leaned closer, Yoongi's eyes widened in shock.

"He's crying," His voice was soft as he looked at the tears rolling down Jimin's cheeks, "He's not gone, he's trapped inside,"

"He is gone!" Jimin screamed angrily, beginning to struggle against the ropes binding him to the chair, "He is gone, he is mine!"

"Park Jimin!" Yoongi cried, grabbing his shoulders and staring into his eyes, "Jimin, I know you're there! You need to help us! We can't find the item the demon is attached to! Help us help you!"


Jimin could tell that the doctor was shouting something at him, but he couldn't make out what he was saying. It sounded garbled like he was talking in another language, and the language was getting mixed up and not coming out in the right order.

He was starting to feel the other presence, however, by the occasional brief shock of emotion. He could feel anger and arrogance, as well as joy. It was happy with something, but he couldn't quite work out what it was.

All he could do was look around his own bedroom through unmoving, fuzzy eyes, and listen as his friends frantically tried to speak to him.

However, he felt another sudden shock of emotion when Jungkook reached the corner of the bedroom, near the light switch. It was so fleeting, that he wasn't sure he had felt it at all, but when Jungkook bent down, he felt it again.

The feeling was unmissable.


But why was the other presence anxious?

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