Teacher's Pet

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== Y/N's POV~ ==

The ringing of the school bell echoed throughout the halls, indicating that Math class had finally ended. You watched as everyone got their bags and left for their breaktime. You grabbed your bag and prepared to head out the classroom until you heard your teacher calling your name.

" Y/N, I must say you did an excellent job answering my problems. Not everyone can answer them all correctly, a good girl like you deserves a prize hm~ " He walked closer to you, humming softly. You tried to push him away, but to no avail. His entire body towered over yours at a dangerously close distance. You turned your head away from him and desperately held your breath, hoping that this was all just a dream- or a nightmare. He clicked his tongue and grabbed you by the chin, forcing you to look at him. " Now now~ Look at me when I'm talking to you, Y/N " He smirked at you as you blushed hard not knowing what to do. The gap between the both of you immediately closed after he pulled you into a deep kiss. The kiss was loving and passionate, it felt so wrong yet so right. His lips felt soft compared to your own. His entire demeanor was intoxicating your mind and body, but you could get addicted to this new taste of poison. You held back a gasp as he licked your bottom lip, asking for entrance. You obliged and slowly opened your mouth letting his tongue slip in, exploring your wet cavern. You moaned in the kiss, putting your arms around his neck as he snaked his around your waist. You pulled away gasping for air. He carefully slid his hands off your waist and slapped your ass in the process. He walked back to his desk and slumped down on his chair, smirking in triumph.

" You can go now Y/N, I'll see you in your next class. " He winked at you and proceeded checking some school papers. You walked out the classroom in a blushing mess. You went to the cafeteria and sat on the table. You immediately saw the girl you met in class earlier, Playtime. You guys talked and further introduced yourselves until the bell rang, the both of you walked out together and proceeded to head to your next class. You entered the room and was greeted by another teacher. You greeted them back and walked to the front chairs, sitting down next to a sock puppet. Not a single word was exchanged between the both of you, he just..... stared at you like you were a bag of chips.

" Hello, class! I'm Miss Jackson, and I will be your new English teacher for today. Mr. Baldi will not be able to handle this class since he has more important businesses to attend to on the matter. So bring out your textbooks and let us begin " You were disappointed when you heard that Mr.Baldi won't be teaching in you this class. You shuddered at the thoughts of him, constantly reminiscing the lewd things he did to you in the classroom. You sighed in embarrassment and just shrugged it off for the entire duration of the class.


Things were going fine until the kid sitting behind you started whispering to you about how you were the " teacher's pet ". You just glared at the potato looking kid, serving him the does-it-look-like-I-give-a-flying-shit look with a side of your middle finger. The bell rang and students began leaving for their lunch. You headed out to the hall only to be stopped by the kid you flipped off earlier. He grabbed you by the collar and smashed your body against the locker. People could only stare at the terrifying scene, afraid that they would get involved. You saw your friend, Playtime, immediately rush to the teachers office to call a teacher for help. The bully glared at you, tightening his grip on your collar.

" Look here, slut. There are some rules around this school. Don't think that you can just walk in here like some kind of royalty constantly needing everyone's attention. If I ever see you again I'll make sure that you'll regret staying here in this school. Got it, Bitch? " You screamed for help and attempted to break free from his grasp, but your attempts were futile. He tauntingly laughed at your helpless defeat.

" EXCUSE ME- BUT YOU ARE COMING TO THE PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE RIGHT NOW. " You sighed in relief, seeing that your teacher was here to save you. The bully was finally escorted to the principal's office and is to be punished with 10 days of suspension.

Your teacher eyed you cautiously, " Is everything alright, Y/N ? Are you hurt?! " He panicked, checking you for any serious injuries. You softly smiled at him and gave him a hug. " Thanks for saving me, Sir " You smiled at him cheekily as he smirked " Yeah, if I wasn't here to save your sorry ass you would've died " He laughed as you kept punching him for his snarky remark. " You're such a pain in the ass " He continued laughing while he crept his hands around your waist, holding you closer to his chest. " You're mine. " He whispered softly into your ear. You smiled and whispered back to him, " I'm yours. "

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