Chapter twoooo(im such a childish humanbien oml😂)

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"Oh sorry" a boy says as he picks up kristian's books she says nothing "Oh I'm new here by the way I'm called corbyn,corbyn besson!" Kristian nods do you talk often Kristian shakes her head " have you seen Christina by any chance as in Christina harris? " kristian gets scared Christina is a cheerleader and a bully not just any bully her bully "hey babe" Christina comes over oh fuck Kristina thinks "what are you doing near HER?" Christina asks " oh well i was-uhm-i-she-uh "it's nothing" Kristian mumbles quietly and leaves heading to her 1st period

Skip to lunch bc why tf not and I'm lazy af today

Kristian "eats" her lunch as corbyn spots her and runs over to her "hey!" Kristian looks at Corbyn "I'm sorry about before" she shrugs "why aren't you eating?" Kristian shrugs again "you really need to stop that" corbyn says Kristian does a small giggle "hey corbyn" a boy I would call elf the shelf 😂 signaled corbyn to come to them "I gotta go" Kristian nods and smiles to herself when she leaves her smile instantly faded when she sees Christina coming over to her "HEY YOU" I point at myself making myself look stupid "yea you who else"
"Stop talking to corbyn he is mine just die no one would care you're a waste of time" Kristian runs to the girls bathroom and cried

Corbyn POV
I don't care I'm in going in the girls bathroom to see if Kristian is okay she hasn't been out of the bathroom for a while now I'm going in there

3rd person

Corbyn walks in the girls bathroom "hey Kristian are you okay I know your in here" she heard a familiar voice and accidentally sobs "hey hey hey it's okay i promise " minutes later Kriatian and corbyn walk out the girls bathroom realizing school was over "wanna hang out?" Corbyn asks Kristian nods "here's my number text me when your ready I'll pic you up okay? " Kristian nods

Another one 😂☝

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