for once

477 11 3

This point I wasn't upset I was fuming and this was surprising for me as well I couldn't control my power anymore I used my powers and accidentally threw him into a wall

Me:oh my god Daniel I didn't mean to do that

Daniel:how did that happen

Me:I'm sorry
Then I ran out of the room

I was confused for once I didn't cry I fought back in proud but why did it have to happen to him

Corbyn:I know how you feel right now

Me:no you dont!

Corbyn:yes I do I might not have powers like yo-

Me:see you don't you are already categorizing me!


Me:just leave me alone!

Corbyn:....wait istian

I ignore him and run into my room 

I text Raizel and daya on the group chat

Meh horse and bitches



Daya handling😂:Hey

Data handling :how's you and corbyn😏😏😏

Kris:can I come over and tell you?


I go to Raizel and daya house


I just cry

Daya:what s wrong

I-i-i can't anymore

Daya:what do you mean

The guys are just
I cry harder

Daya and Raizel try to comfort me


Daya and Raizel run in my room and burst the door open

Where these we gonna get you a man!

Me:I don-

Daya:you don't wanna look ugly for your man ok so where these!

Raizel:Now go to the park there is something or someone for you

Me:ugh okay fine!

I walk to central park and I see people there obviously its a park so I will

??:Hey I'm sorry to discern you but can you plz hold this for us?


??:Im grayson but the way

Me:I'm Kristian

Grayson:this is my idiotic dumb brother Ethan

Ethan mumbles at least i know how to work a camera

Grayson:Anyway we are.

Ethan: human biens!! 

Grayson:no Ethan you say the Dolan twins!

Ethan:oh yea we're that too!

I giggle and Grayson slaps his head

We all talk for a while and we leave our separate ways


Raizel:How was it


Daya:what do you mean eh I saw you with this really cute guy!!

Raizel:ending it was just eh you wouldn't have spent 2 hours 17 mins and 14 secs at the park

Me:....where you spying on me?!

Daya and Raizel:maybe...

Me:oh wow guys 😑

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