i suddenly have ideas for the story😇

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I woke up at 1 in the afternoon so I did my morning routine and got ready to go to the beach


i ask the boys if they want to come and they say yes

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i ask the boys if they want to come and they say yes


I was sitting on a deck chair(that's what we call it in England idk About other places)

And I see this girl



??:I think your in my. Spot

Me:oh yea right sorry

??:It's okay I'm loren

Me:I'm Kristian

Loren:nice name very unexpected

Me:thx I get that a lot so where are you fr-

I was cut off by corbyn picking me up on my shoulders and carrying my right next to the pool

Me:corbyn Don t you dare drop m-

Corbyn drops me in the pool

Corbyn:oops I guess I have had grip😂😛

Me:fuck you

Corbyn:if I could I would have done it by now trust me 😉


we enjoy the rest of the day I got lorens numbers and we should be going shopping tomorrow


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