its a date!

943 17 3

I woke up this morning and did my morning routine

I woke up this morning and did my morning routineOutfit:

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No hat

Corbyn:Hey wanna go to the amusement park with me

Me:ok let me change

New outfit:

 I got ready and there was only like 15 minutes left so  I decided to see what the boys are doing

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I got ready and there was only like 15 minutes left so  I decided to see what the boys are doing

Me:Hey guys


daniel: ow it wasn't me I don't even like chocolate I promose!!

Me:oh shit I forgot to buy a new stash after I ate it i say quietly

Zach:did you eat it kris?

Me:I-um-i-uh-well you see I-

Corbyn:istian ready to go?

Me: oh yea

Thanks you just save zach from killing me

Corbyn: no problem

he chuckles

Amusement park

Corbyn: OOOOooooo look at that ride it looks epic let's go On it

Me oh ummm okay

On the ride

Corbyn:you scared?

Me: pfft me scared no way! Why would you think that?

Corbyn:well you're holding my hand very tightly may I add and the ride hasn't even started......unless you just wanted to hold my hand 😏😏

I let go and blush
Corbyn: you look adorable when you blush
He leans in and then.....
We were gonna kiss............BUT THE FUCKING RIDE STARTED

we look away

And I scream I'm afraid of hights

but corbyn laughs he loves these things

We get off the ride I run to the water fall close by well not for corbyn this was my secret place


Corbyn:wow :o

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Corbyn:wow :o

Me: ik I found it when I ran away from you at school when you never talked to me :/

Corbyn:look about that I'm so sor-

Me: It's fine just focus on the present ☺


In my mind I'm still deadly upset with what corbyn said but he's m crush I could never stay mad at him

Corbyn: oh shoot!


Corbyn:I was ment to do a cover today I forgot

Me: oh we can go home and do that now if you want?

Corbyn :okay wanna join the cover?

Me:idk I'm not good at this-

Corbyn: yea yea you said yes let's go

Me😡😒 I hate you

Corbyn:you love me ☺

Me : you wish

Corbyn mumbles yes I do



Corbyn: how about instead of a cover we do a cover each and see what the fans think when they vote who's better?


Kristian cover

Corbyns cover

I've Done it i only managed to do one today unlike I do 2-4 every day but mah

mute Corbyn Besson fanficWhere stories live. Discover now