uh? hi?

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This guy asked if I was okay

I-uh-i yea I'm fine

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I-uh-i yea I'm fine.....

Why are you crying then?


Oh I'm Harvey by the way

I'm Kristian :)

Cool....so what's wrong?

I.......cant........you won't understand

Everyone would understand something just differently

Oh okay well I have this crush and I said were just friends and he thinks the kiss ment nothing to me

Oh well you have to tell him before you loose him and regret it

Thx but why are you here anyway?

I like to think here I have a lot going on right now

Oh okay

Can I have your number?


Then kristian leaves thinking of what to say to corbyn
She suddenly gives up and is gonna jump in him and say  I love you to corbyn

I head to corbyn room and
I run to him and jump on him as planned

Me:I love you so much bean

Corbyn says nothing which scared me but.....he kissed me I obviously kiss back

Corbyn : I love you too

Cutest shot ive wrote in this book I swear

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