Chapter Twenty-One

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Screams of panic and fear, along with a side of agony filled the dusty, choked air. Building begin to tumble down as the eleven Organization Zodiac Members began to destroy Zootopia.

More bombs went off as all eleven Organization Members released the Mutts. Some of them looked like the ones that tried attacked me, while some looked like bears except their bellies had mouths on them. I grabbed Jessabella and began to run. What I saw next that caused me to run was horrible.

The Mutts were slaughtering the people and eating them. One Mutt grabbed a loin and yanked his spine out and rip it's heart out. Blood flew as bone was ripped out. Another one grabbed a zebra and began to rip it's skin open. It was horrifying.

I carried Jessabella all the way to the train station. Or what was left of it. Then, more bombs detonated, along with Mutts.

I looked everywhere. But everywhere I look, they were all destroy, meaning one thing:

There was no where to run, nor nowhere to hide.

We were trapped.

Then, I remember Bogo. I ran past all the people who were trying to escape from the madness. But eventually I made it.

The building was a mess; it was all just a rubble and looked like it was squashed by the fist of a giant.

I needed to find someway to get inside. Maybe he's safe inside and we can use it as a safe haven.

Then, I heard a sound that sounded like Chief Bogo. I looked around the corner and saw, to my horror, Chief Bogo, covered in blood, bleeding to death from a wound. Me and Jessabella rushed to him.

I gasped at the sight of him. He was close to death. I knew....he couldn't...make it. I began to cry. How? How can this happen? How can Chief Bogo be dying? All I wanted was to see me become the greatest cop of Zootopia. He's been like a dad to me. Even though he never had children or he never got married, I saw him as a dad. He was the one that made me do my homework, the one that punished me for all my pranks. The one that praised me for all my hard work. He was the one to show me his affection for all the times I came home crying. He was... My dad.

"Bogo... ", I said, trying to hold back tears.

He looked at me in my eyes. He smiled a little bit but I could tell that he knew his time has come.

"Violet, listen to me. There's something I need you to here. It's important."

"What is it?",  I said as I came close to him.

"I'm..sorry...for everything. I'm...sorry that... I...didn't...bel....ieve... You!..."

"Bogo, it's okay!"

"Violet, your... Mother and Father is..."

That's when it happened. He went out.  Just like that. He was gone. Soon, it began to rain. I holded chief Bogo in my arms. He was dead.

I began to cry. The rain masked my tears.

So, this is it, Huh. Zootopia is coming down. Chief Bogo is dead. We're left here in the ashes of our city, like rats.

There is no happy endings.

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