A beautiful girl lends me shorts

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          Sun was shining in the sky and there were no clouds in sight. I got out of a large house painted baby-blue with a white trim. After that, I saw a volleyball court and a huge pine tree with what seemed to be a dragon twirled around it. Then, we went through a place filled with easels with stretched canvases, blocks of marble and clay and all the tools and paints that anyone could ever ask for. After a canoe lake, we passed an amphitheater with rising tiers of stone benches that curved around a central stage. We also went through a climbing wall, only it was pouring lava.

An amazing smell came soaring to my nose, and Will told me that it came from the dining pavilion. It had about twenty tables covered in a white tablecloth fringed with purple. At the center, there was a bonfire (Will told me that demigods burnt part of their food as an offering to their godly parent). As we got close to where I could find some new clothes, I noticed an arena, with a lot of half-bloods sword fighting in it. There were also some dummies in greek armor being relentlessly attacked by others.

We finally got to the cabins where Will told me all demigods slept. There were about twenty-four cabins, every one of them designed differently. I supposed there was one for each god, major and minor, and as I wondered about the need of that many cabins, I struggled to follow Will's fast pace. When he stopped, he did it in front of a cabin with painted roof, with a blue and white checkerboard deck and a pink door, with lace curtains and flowers coming out of the windows. Will knocked three times and after a while the door opened.

- Hey, Kath this is Maggie. Maggie, this is Katherine, the new camper, and she needs something to wear. I'll go and grab her a camp t-shirt, but could you lend her some shorts until we're able to get her some new ones? – the girl who had opened the door had light brown hair, tied in a clumsy (but beautiful) high ponytail. She had a perfect body, and wore shorts and a hoodie like they were the newest high fashion trend. Her round hazel eyes stared at me for a moment. She swept me with her look from head to toe, but at the end, she just opened a fair smile and turned to Will.

- Sure. Do we know who her godly parent is yet?

- Nah. – he turned to me – But don't worry, the gods made a promise to claim their children in a maximum of three weeks, so we'll know it soon enough.

- Yeah. See you later then. – he waved at me and went back to the Big House (the place where I woke up in). – Hey, I don't mean to be rude, but you really need a bath. Come on, I'll show you where the bathroom is.

She kept talking, but I stopped listening. This all was... A lot. First, I had my adoptive stepfather killed by a monster that was supposed to be immortal. Second, I somehow found a way to kill it. And last, I wake up in a place where people tell me that one of my parents is a god? Yeah, too much. Maggie must've realized that I wasn't paying much attention to her and asked me if I was all right.

- Sure, it's just that...

- A lot to process, right? – I assented reluctantly as we entered the showers. – Yeah, I know. When I arrived here two years ago, I was also really scared. But you'll get used to it before you know it, trust me. You can use my shampoo if you want to, I'll leave the clothes here for you, ok?

- Of course. And thanks. Who's your godly parent?

- Aphrodite. – she answered so harshly and quickly that I supposed she didn't like her offspring that much.

After a rather long bath, I changed into Maggie's shorts and an orange t-shirt with Camp Half-Blood written on it. I spent the rest of the day with Maggie, that showed me the forge, the strawberry fields, the Pegasus stables and the armory. She explained to me that until I was claimed, I belonged to Hermes's cabin, because he is the god of travelers. My stomach had been rumbling for a long time when dinner finally came. I sat at Hermes's table, which wasn't at all a problem. They talked to me as if we had known ourselves for a long time. Before we ate, everybody had to throw some of their food at the bonfire as an offer to their parents. As I threw my food, I just asked for my dad/mom to claim me fast so that I would know who I was going to spend most of my time with.

After a while, a centaur (half man, half horse) stood up. He was wearing a t-shirt with "The n#1 HORSEEEEEE" written in it. I found it a bit disturbing, but I preferred not to mention anything. His hair probably had once been brown, but now was mainly grey. His eyes were brown and covered by bushy eyebrows. His horse part was that of a white stallion.

- We're having capture the flag this Friday, so choose your alliances well. Also, I'd like to ask for the hundredth time for the demigods in Hermes cabin to stop stealing the makeup of some Aphrodite's daughters. – some people in my table grinned, and I wondered what other pranks they could've done. A lot, probably. And not very light ones. So, for the meantime, I was very happy to be on the other side of the pranks. – You shall return to your cabins now, or I'm afraid that the cleaning harpies will eat you.

I didn't know if that last statement was true or not, but I headed to the Hermes's cabin anyway. Max Ketlinger (Hermes's cabin ruler) arranged me at the top of a bunk bed in the corner, I climbed it and waited for the lights to  go out. I thought I wasn't going to be able to sleep, because a lot had happened and I was pretty agitated. However, as soon as I closed my eyes, I slept. And I dreamed.      

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