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          I woke up with Maggie gently shaking me. She was drenched with sweat, like anyone would after half an hour of intense training (though she probably trained for five hours straight before getting like this). I wondered if she was really a daughter of Aphrodite. Don't get me wrong, she was beautiful, but she wasn't like her half-brothers and half-sisters.

Unlike her siblings, she didn't care much about how she looked or about conquering boys just to destroy their hearts later. She also was a great fighter, she could even win a fight against an Ares son or someone like that. Other Aphrodite children might fight well too, but they mostly don't show it because they're too busy fixing their hair or something like it. She wouldn't judge you by your clothes and hated when people asked her about fashion advice (she would first get really mad, but then show you the most beautiful clothing combination that you'd wear your whole life).

- Hey, is everything all right? I heard you screaming, but I couldn't figure where the noise was coming from, so I checked all cabins, one by one. – I shook my head and some tears fell from it. I had cried, and not little.

- The prophecy, it's just... It's terrible. I just wish it could have been different. Or at least about someone else. – I told her about everything Rachel had told me, including the prophecy. Also, I told her about my dream. – The thing is, I don't want anyone going on this quest with me. He or she will have a very big chance of dying, or being lost, and that doesn't seem very nice, does it?

- You're not sure that someone will die. A soul reaching its end doesn't necessarily means death, right? And the prophecy is not a bad thing, is it?

- Please, Maggie. Of course losing your soul means death. And if not, living without a soul doesn't seem very pleasant for me. And the one found may be a foe.

- Kath. Look at me. This quest is bigger than any other one, because the villains are bigger. That means that the heroes have to bigger too. Whoever goes on this quest will be prepared for death. If not, then this person mustn't go anyway. If one person must die so that the rest of the world doesn't, then the sacrifice is worth it. Now do everyone a favor and take a shower, you stink. Later we can find more clothes for you. So, See you later? – I nodded. She smiled and went back outside the cabin, probably to work out even more. I breathed in, then breathed out, slowly so that I could calm myself down. Maggie was (unfortunately) right, I needed to do this. And who came with me had to know what they were going into. I hoped at the same time for my friends to come and to stay. I didn't want any of them to get hurt or die, but for the other hand the mission would be way less horrible if I had any of them with me.

I slowly got out of the cabin, the sun burning my eyes and skin. I had stopped trying to look decent and went towards the Big-House, with the smallest dignity that a human being can have. I'm not exaggerating, people stared at me when I passed (they probably were staring at me because I was a super powerful demigod that could destroy the whole Olympus but either way, it was humiliating).

Halfway through, I stopped at the bathrooms, pulled my hair back in a ponytail and brushed my teeth. As I got to the Big-House, I noticed some movement inside, but completely ignored it, so I shouldn't have had such a surprise to see that there were people on the "living room" (the place where I woke up in, the one with the table tennis table).

- Hello Katherine, how may we help you? – asked Chiron. Everyone at the room was staring at me. I stood silently for a few moments, and stared back at everyone. A boy was sitting next to Will, with black hair, pale skin and a Nirvana t-shirt. They were holding hands, so I figured they were together.

- You could start by assigning three heroes to come with me to Melbourne. – everybody stared at me in astonishment (I'll admit it, I was loving the attention). – Second, I'm going to need a car to take me and the other three to Central Park. I guess we'll have to buy some new clothes too. Then, I'll need a plan of attack to kill a guy named Typhon.

The staring only intensified. In some faces I could sense fear, in others, confusion. In Chiron's, concern. After a few minutes, I realized they probably wanted me to say something, so I did (and felt like a badass in the process).

- What are you waiting for? I've got to cut a lake with a dagger, and I honestly don't want to be late for it.

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