I discover some things about Rob...

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          After two and a half hours, we arrived at Central Park. It was a Monday, so it was very empty, only a few runners or people walking their dogs around. We asked for some information and found that the smaller lake was in the southeast corner and its name was The Pond. We reached it at four o'clock, after getting lost a few times. 

It was a peaceful and quiet lake, where I could see some dryads gloating around in the water. I took out my dagger from my bag and stared at it for a while. How exactly are you supposed to cut a lake? As if answering my thoughts, Toph said:

- I guess you're supposed to just cut it. Like you would with a row on a boat. - I nodded and proceeded in the delicate process of analyzing the dagger. The bronze was so thoroughly polished that I could see myself perfectly reflected in it. I wasn't looking very good. There were huge purple bags under my eyes, that were barely open. There was a cut in my forehead, and even though my wrongfully cut bangs kind of covered it, it didn't manage to cover the scar that went through my eyebrows. I had no idea where or how it had appeared, and I guessed it had been the seal monster.

I then carefully kneeled down beside the lake, and went forward to cut it, but stopped midway at the sight of the dryads completely panicking, with great fear in their eyes. I had no idea of what was happening, but I guessed it would be better to at least listen to them. I tried to speak to them but only achieved any communication after I put the dagger away in the bag again.

A lot of them were trying to speak at the same time, which kept me from understanding them much. Their voice was inside of my head, such as the Oracle's was, so I guessed that the other demigods weren't able to hear them (that, and the fact that they all stared at me confused while I was shouting at the dryads for some order). 

"Ok, please calm down. I've put away the dagger. Can you speak one at a time, please?". As soon as I had thought it, they stopped talking. Ok, so our communication was going to be through thought. Very normal. "What is so wrong with this dagger?"

"Bad man! This dagger! Try to cut!", some examples of the shouted answers I got.

"Look, I need to go to Melbourne, and I guess that cutting this lake with this dagger will do the job.". For the first time, I actually thought about what we were going to do. Rob didn't tell me anything about Melbourne, only that I had to head to Central Park. "Rob told me so..."

"Skoúro dromáki! Skoúro dromáki! No trust!" they screamed in answer.

"What do you mean, dark ally? Rob? No, he's my stepfather". After a moment I realized I had just translated what I believed to be Greek, and created a mental note to discover how that had happened later. 

"No! This dagger is bad! Rob is Skoúro dromáki!" and more shouting. I wasn't understanding anything, and for the last time, I tried to make them understand.

"Look, my stepfather, Rob, asked me to do this and shout something like Férte tous pistoús symmáchous tou skotadioú, O skliró machaíri" at the exact moment I thought that phrase, my backpack started catching fire. I, in the moment of panic, threw it at the lake, where it reached the bottom.

There was only one problem. Three, actually. The first one was that for the first time I realized what Rob had asked me to say, and it meant "Bring the loyal allies of darkness, oh hard knife", which didn't seem very friendly. The second one was that the dagger, that was inside the backpack, managed to cut the water. The third one was that there were monsters coming out from the cleft that the dagger had formed.

Not one, nor ten or fifty. There were more than a hundred monsters coming out of that hole at once. All of them different, one more terrifying than the other. They had only one thing in common: all eyes staring at me.

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