Chapter 6:
Liam's POV-
As soon as the phone rang, I jumped up and ran across the room to get it. I picked it up and gave a breathless, "Hello?" "Hey, bro, I was just calling to check in! We heard about Erin, and I just wanted to make sure she was okay!" Harry's sing-song voice came through from the other end. I exhaled a little too dramatically. "Hey, Haz. Yeah, I guess you guys heard. I don't know how she's going to be, just waiting to hear from the doctor." My voice sounded flat. It matched my mood. Harry's voice softened to a much more serious tone. "Hey, man, I really am sorry. She'll pull through this, I know it. She's a fighter." "Thank you. So much. I really needed to hear that. Tell the other boys I said hey." "Will do. And Liam? Hang on buddy. We're all here for you." We talked for another minute and then hung up. "He's right, you know. She is a fighter," Niall said. "I know," I answered, "but will that be enough this time?" The phone rang again, but this time I was quicker to answer. "Hello?" "Hey, Liam? Yeah, Erin's waking up. You may want to get down here." I hung up the phone without any other word. I grabbed my keys and headed out the door, Niall trailing behind me. "She's waking up," I said, as we drove down the road. That was the only thing that was said the whole way there. I rushed in the front door, and immediately the same lady from before led us to Erin. She had been moved into a hotel room. This other guy was still with her. Whether they couldn't remove him or just didn't want to, it didn't matter. Having him here was unnerving. Just as I walked into the room, Erin's eyelids began to flutter open. 2 seconds after she saw the boy laying next to her, tears started streaming down her face.
Erin's POV-
I woke up in the hospital next to something hard and cold. Someone. It was Spencer. I could feel the tears streaming down my face, but it didn't matter. My heart didn't hurt. It was gone. There was nothing left for it to hurt for. Spencer took my heart with him in that crash. I didn't know what else to do, so I sat just sat and looked at him, crying until there were no more tears. I didn't even notice that there was anyone else in the room until Liam walked up and tried to hug me. But I shoved him away. I didn't want him. I didn't want anyone right now except for the one person I couldn't have, Spencer. If I was capable of feeling anything, I would be bent over in sheer pain of this loss. But my heart was gone. So I felt nothing except the years running down my face. Soon, I knew that the pain would come and it would be unbearable. But for now, I enjoyed the numbness. Liam tried to comfort me again, but I shoved him away. "I don't want you here," I said coldly. "But-" he started. "I don't need you here. Leave." I knew I was being unreasonable, but I wanted to be alone in my mourning. He was going to cry soon. "Fine." His voice was barely audible. He collected Niall and left without another word. The tears poured out more and more by the minute, until I had nothing left to pour out. The numbness came in full, and I blacked out.