Day one..... I Guess? (Dee)

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Day one had started officially. I had left the house and started driving to school (yes I drive, I am 18 and it is my senior year of high school). I quickly found my new school which, conveniently enough was only a 20 minute drive with traffic. I parked and got out of my car, getting odd looks from students who obviously had been going to the school for years. "Sanderson High School, let's see what adventures await me in my first and last year at this place." I found the main office and informed the lady at the front desk that I was the new transfer student. The principal came to meet me in the lobby of the office at that point. A tall rugged looking man with a dignified look on his face. 

"Ah! You're our new student yes? Welcome to Sanderson High. My name is Hugo Stone, but you can call me Principal Stone. If I remember correctly your name is...." He trailed off, waiting for my answer.

"Dee." I said, not mentioning my last name because in the instance, I didn't think it was that important. 

"Yes, I remember now. You're that eccentric and hyper drum major from the marching band from Wayward High School. You caused quite the uproar in our band program young man, we hope you'll join ours." He said, it sounded a bit more like an order than a suggestion but maybe it was my imagination.

"With all due respect sir, your band had nothing on mine in my day but I won't be joining, not because of some rivalry or loyalty to my old school, but simply because I want to attract as little attention to myself as possible this year."

"That's a shame. Oh well. Come young man, I will be taking you to your homeroom class and introducing you." He told me, sounding a bit crestfallen. 

"Sounds good to me sir, I appreciate the help. I still need to get acclimated to the new environment." At this point I'd learned two things. One, the band kids here know of me. Two, the principal wants me in that band. "That was a different time and a different Dee. That one doesn't exist now." I thought. The principal took me to my first class, which since I am a senior, was a senior English class. The teacher, a petite and cheery looking woman, seemed elated to have a new student come in to her class. While the principal introduced me to everyone I received looks of inquiry from the entire class. 

"You can sit near Jess young man." The teacher said in a happy tone.

I scanned the room for the empty seat near the girl named Jess. The seat was near the far back right of the room, fitting as I was on the taller end of the spectrum in the class. As I took my seat I scanned the faces of my classmates passively. "A 3 to 1 girl to boy ratio. About 25 students in total including myself. As expected in senior classes, girls take school a bit more seriously than some guys my age." I thought. 

"Alright now that everyone is here we can begin class. My name is Astera Smith. I will be your senior level English class teacher for the semester. I do hope you enjoy my class! Now! Let's go around the room and introduce ourselves one by one. Say your name, how old you are, and one interesting fact about yourself." She said, clearly elated as if this was the most fun she'd had in a long time. 

'YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" I screamed mentally. "I just wanted to come to class and NOT have to speak at all." As students went around the room introducing themselves I only briefly paid any attention to names. I heard a few interesting ones. Lisa (pronounced like Liza), Machel (pronounced like Micheal) and the like, but other than that I couldn't care any less. By this time Jess stood up and began introducing herself. She was short, about maybe 5'1, her figure was undeniably one of the best I'd ever seen, her hair was about shoulder length and crisp brunette. She was beautiful and she stood tall and dignified. She essentially looked like she owned the room, which at the moment, she kind of did. Once she started talking I immediately heard her accent, "Wait..... I know that accent. It's the same as....Deara." I thought, almost going into cardiac arrest.

"My name is Jessica, but everyone calls me Jess, even my own family prefers it that way. I'm 17 making 18 in 4 weeks, and an interesting fact about me is I know who he is" She said while pointing at me. 

"Me? You know who I am? How? Sorry to burst your dignified bubble lady, but I know absolutely nothing about you. Hell, I don't even have an iota of knowledge of your very existence other than the fact that you have the same exact accent as......" My voice cracked and trailed off. 

"Same exact accent as.....who? I want to meet them. It's been such a long time since I met someone from my home. Introduce me to them sometime will you darling?" She told me, clearly happy that she managed to rattle me that hard.

"Why you little... Ahem. Anyway, I guess it's my turn? That's how this works right? Well my name's Dee, it's not short for anything, that's literally my name. I'm 18 years of age, and an interesting factoid about me is that I've transferred schools more times than more than likely anyone here. Oh I'm probably the most sarcastic person you've ever met." I said, angrily enough that my vocal intonation had changed.  

"Oh come on, you can't be that sarcastic." Jessica said, clearly taunting me.

"Girl, I'm about to verbally rock your jaw." I thought. "Well considering you didn't recognize my use of the word iota in my address toward you, I take it you were at the top of your class riiiiight?"

"I....T-That's!" She stammered.

"Oh come now. You OBVIOUSLY, know what the word means right? Why not share it with the rest of the class?" I said, taunting her the way she taunted me.

"Okay fine! I see your point now leave me alone! Ugh!" She said blushing, and trying super hard not to let me see.

"Guys please I...." Ms. Smith didn't get to finish her sentence as a loud bell signified the end of class. "Oh boy, I'll see you all tomorrow. We'll start with Shakespeare.

As I was walking out of class, Jess grabbed my arm and pulled me aside. I wondered if this lady had lost her mind but then she did something I never expected.

"As much as I HATE to admit it. No one has ever had the balls to put my sarcasm up against theirs and put me in my place. That was pretty cool. Here, take my number. Let's hang out sometime." She said, taking my cellphone and exchanging our numbers before I could even protest. 

"WAIT WHOA, I barely know you lady. What gives?!" I said, albeit too late. Students had already noticed that a super pretty girl had pretty much been breathing down my neck for the past 5 minutes."

"What gives? I dunno, you're interesting. I also know you from somewhere but I can't exactly put my finger on it. Regardless I'm interested in you as a person. So let's hang out. Mkay? Cool! Kisses!" She said as she sashayed her way to her next class. She immediately texted me saying "You'd better take me up on that offer LOL. People are watching! :*"

Well fuck, in the span of an hour and thirty minutes I managed to create a persona for myself in my English class, get into a petty argument with the prettiest girl in my class, and have that exact same girl give me her number and text me. "So much for not attracting any attention to myself. This is gonna be one interesting year." I thought as I headed to handle the rest of my day. 

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