....What Even Just Happened....? (Jess)

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I.....wish I could explain my feelings right now. My heart's pounding outta my chest but... I kinda like it. Considering I've never had someone try to match my sarcasm against theirs and put me in my place like that. It was kind of attractive. 

"....Oh my Lord I gave him my number. What the actual hell was I even thinking?" Calm down Jess, calm down. He won't actually take me you up on your offer, right? Right?"  I thought. I clearly thought wrong as my phone immediately went off.

"You might be the most bipolar girl I've ever met." He said. I had his name saved under Big Dee  with a smirk emoji because of his sarcasm. "You call me out in class, attempt to embarrass me,  get embarrassed yourself, then you give me your number? What's your game plan lady?" He said. Interesting, He speaks in full sentences in text. 

"What's with calling me lady? It's almost like you don't want to be my friend :( " I replied. Although I knew that it was probably force of habit it still bugged me. It was like he was avoiding becoming friendly with me. I wonder why that is?

"That......That's none of your concern. Look I'm about to go to my next class. We can talk later since it's painfully obvious that I'm stuck with your one sided friendship." He replied with clear annoyance with me. "Good, get annoyed with me. It's a form of attachment. Associate an emotion with me. That way you can't deny that I am important in some way. LOL" I said trying to get a reaction out of him. He didn't answer though, so I assumed that he had already gotten to class. It was fun toying with him, I clearly get on his nerves which weirdly enough was enjoyable for me even though I barely know him except for seeing him somewhere once before. "Where have I seen him? I swear I know him from somewhere." I thought. *brrrrrrrriiiiiiiingggggggg* "Oh Sugar Honey Iced Tea. The bell! I'm not even in my next class. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....." I thought. 

While sitting in class, lazily going about my day I found myself thinking about him more and more. I was curious as to where his sarcasm came. It's almost as if it's a fail-safe, a persona that he puts on to make himself unapproachable. "There's gotta be a reason for that. but not only that..... His face.... It didn't look like he was happy speaking to me. He even mentioned my accent. I didn't know there was anyone here on the mainland from St. Lucy. Even though technically speaking it's not that far fetched of an idea. Plus...he seemed so shaken when he said he recognized my accent. I'm kind of worried about him......What am I even saying? I barely know him!" 

The gears in my brain were turning but I was clearly missing pieces. "Even though I barely know him, I really want to help him. I can imagine that his face when he's happy is really something that you need to see. On top of that he's pretty tall, built like a football player, and is a lovely shade of dark chocolate......Wait what?! Brain! Get it together girlfriend! We are not crushing on a guy we just met!" I thought, having to give myself a stern mental talking to to make sure that my brain was on the same page as my heart. 

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly with not much happening in class. Between classes Dee and I shared short conversations. Mostly it was me pushing his buttons and him giving me a reaction every single time, which in turn made it more and more fun to tease him. At the end of the day as I was heading to my car my phone went off. "Oh a text! I wonder if it's tall, dark, and sarcastic?" I thought, thinking it would just be another one of his reactions. "Hey.....Can we meet up? Say... fifteen minutes?  There's a park near school and I'd like to talk to you about something." The text said. "Wait.....HUH?! Did....Did he just ask me out? Nah. No way. He just wants to talk. Yeah that's it! Just a friendly conversation......Why am I getting flustered?!" I thought, my mind going a million miles an hour with what might have possibly been the hardest I'd ever blushed in a long time. "Yeah sure, I'll meet you there. Text me the addy and I'll be there. Kisses!" I replied. "Now I'm curious. I wonder what it is he wants to talk about." I got into my car and drove to the address he gave me. 

The park was rather nice, a large open field with well tended grass obviously meant for pets or picnics. A swing set and see-saw for children as well. There was a basketball court where some people I didn't recognize were playing a pickup game. I sat down at one of the tables near the swing set and waited for Mr. Sarcasm to show up. "Hey sorry I took so long, I was in the middle of a run when I texted you." I turned around. "Thank the lord for the creation of attractive men." I thought. Not only was he tall, dark, and sarcastic. He was fine. Like... fiiiiiiiiiiiiine. Like abs you could grate cheese on fine. For whatever reason he was also shirtless which i didn't mind at all. "Duhhhhhhhhhh." I said.

" Hey! Heyyyy! My eyes are up here lady! I will not be objectified!" He said in a clearly mocking tone. 

"Sorry! Sorry! Just put on a damn shirt please!"

"Ugh! Fine! Jeez, a guy can't even go on a run nowadays without being judged about what he's wearing." 

"A-Anyway, what is it that you want to talk about anyway?! Why not just text me about it?" 

"Well I just had to hear it again. Besides. The fact that you came here means you wanted to see me. Doesn't it?" He said snidely. 

I started blushing super hard. "Sh-Shut up! Hear what anyway?!" I yelled at him. 

"....Your accent....." His voice trailed off. An expression of hurt and confusion washing over his face before going back to his brooding almost kingly expression. 

"...What's wrong with it? Do you know someone from St. Lucy?" I asked, genuinely interested and concerned. 

"Yeah... I did....a long time ago. But that's in the past now." He said entering his pass code on his phone. 

"Wait.... why do you enter the pass code? Couldn't you just use the fingerprint scanner?" I asked attempting to change the subject. He looked at me and smiled. His smile was a bit broken, as if it had been awhile since he had a reason to smile.  "Oh. My pass code has a bit of significance to me. It's a day I never want to forget. Anyway, all I wanted was to hear your accent again and make sure that I wasn't tripping. As much as you annoy and infuriate every fiber of my being I think you're interesting. It's been awhile since someone took the brunt of my sarcasm like that and didn't hate me after." He said, somewhat defeated. 

"See? You like me already handsome!" I said with my face beaming, pushing his buttons even more. 

"Don't count your chickens before they hatch lady. You might end up with less chickens than hatched eggs. I NEVER said I liked you. I just said I think you're interesting. Kinda like a scientist and an undiscovered alien specimen. He said in a sarcastic tone. 

"Did you just call me an alien?" I asked, taken aback and a bit upset. 

"Well anyway, I'm going to finish up my run and head home. You should do the same, it's getting late." He replied. "Bye now!" He said as he ran away.

".....What... The actual heck was this conversation?" My brain was going one billion miles an hour. I was so confused, intrigued, and upset all at the same time. Just you wait until I see you in class Dee. You're going to accept me as my friend. This I swear!

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